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[Suggestion/Improvements] Disabling Auto Text Scrolling
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O.P. [Suggestion/Improvements] Disabling Auto Text Scrolling
Hi everybody, I have got an idea to improve Messenger Plus! Live and add a feature that can be pretty useful. Here it is. :)

In some conversations with more then 3 or 4 people I have to keep track of the speech and it can get a little bit hard when I have to do one more thing then just trying to keep on with the speech.

I mean that sometimes, I am reading the speech as it proceeds but for example, another person sends me a message and then I click on his conversation windows to see what he tells to me. When I'm finished with that person, I return back to the conversation with 3 or 4 people and I see that the windows has scrolled to the end of the message window. Then I have to scroll up to see what they have typed when I was busy reading the other message or doing something else that had my focus.

I suggest that Messenger Plus! Live should include such an option to pause auto text scrolling when the relevant conversation window hasn't got the focus on itself.

It can be a pretty useful option as it will help users by saving their time that they spend for scrolling up and looking what has been spoken.

There can also be a some kind of button on each conversation window to toggle auto text scrolling on or off. So we can easily specify which conversation we want it to auto scroll or not.

Thank you all for your interest. This was my first message on Messenger Plus! Live forums and I hope this was the right place to post this. :)
11-07-2006 11:44 PM
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RE: [Suggestion/Improvements] Disabling Auto Text Scrolling

1) You have posted in the right spot.

2) Your point is valid.

3) Not sure if its possible or not, or if demand requires it or not, as my friends are slow typers (lol), and my windows are the full 1280, so I never thought of the problem.

EDIT: Welcome to the forums!

This post was edited on 11-08-2006 at 12:23 AM by Nagamasa.
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11-08-2006 12:23 AM
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RE: [Suggestion/Improvements] Disabling Auto Text Scrolling
Originally posted by emreerokyar
I suggest that Messenger Plus! Live should include such an option to pause auto text scrolling when the relevant conversation window hasn't got the focus on itself.

It can be a pretty useful option as it will help users by saving their time that they spend for scrolling up and looking what has been spoken.
Idea is good, but I immediatly can see how it can be more confussing too.

Such a feature which always turns auto-scrolling off when the window is not in focus is not that usefull.

For starters what you describe almost only happens in group-conversations only. If you talk to an individual in a single contact chat, the chances that he will talk more than you can read is quite nihil.

And if it does happen and you are reading the convo, the anti-auto-scroll will not kick in as the window is in focus. So it misses its purpose again.

And thus it will cause more confussion than it would solve anything in those cases, as you may have a quick glance on the chat window and don't notice that the arrow on the scrollbar has moved and you might think your contacts didn't say anything.

Also, the anti-auto-scroll will not happen when you leave your computer suddenly for a while and a convo is open. Again, the anti-auto-scroll will miss its purpose.

And last, having such a feature for group convos only seems a bit over the top as the only thing you need to do is click in the text area of the conversation to stop the auto-scrolling.

(not to mention that I dunno if it would be possible at all; so just click in the text area and the convo will not scroll anymore)


This post was edited on 11-08-2006 at 09:25 AM by CookieRevised.
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11-08-2006 09:22 AM
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RE: RE: [Suggestion/Improvements] Disabling Auto Text Scrolling
Originally posted by CookieRevised

And thus it will cause more confussion than it would solve anything in those cases, as you may have a quick glance on the chat window and don't notice that the arrow on the scrollbar has moved and you might think your contacts didn't say anything.

This problem right here is why I wouldn't use it. I seem to recall this happening in the past with messenger and I would fail to realize that my buddy had said anything.
11-09-2006 04:27 AM
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