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[Suggestion] Debug output in script debug viewer being able to be saved to file
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O.P. [Suggestion] Debug output in script debug viewer being able to be saved to file
I'd like to make a request/suggestion

As the titles says, a way to output script debugging text (incl. and especially the stuff produced by Plus! itself) to a file.

I ask this because I often come across scripts which do produce an error and such when you exit Messenger. But since you exit Messenger the debug window is also closed (but in a flash I can see something was added)...

Doesn't matter if it is done via an 'advanced' registry key, or if it is done globally (the currently selected script) or if you can set this per script... just a way to retrieve what is being printed in there in the last milliseconds that Messenger is running...
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.
11-08-2006 08:30 PM
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RE: [Suggestion] Debug output in script debug viewer being able to be saved to file
Good idea, thought of that before but didn't have the guts to suggest.
If it saves automatically would make it easier to debug in case of a crash or hang... (Seriously, i made my computer hang everytime i logged in with one of my scripts, i had to find it and move it manually >< )
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11-09-2006 06:41 AM
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RE: [Suggestion] Debug output in script debug viewer being able to be saved to file
Yea this would be especially useful for debugging scripts which crash unexpectedly.  (Y)
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that's not a bug, thats an unexpected feature
11-09-2006 11:48 AM
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RE: [Suggestion] Debug output in script debug viewer being able to be saved to file
This could also be very useful when the script creator is wanting to know the problem someone is having with a script, this file can just be asked for (along with a brief explanation of what they were doing) to help solve problems easier.  I'm sure there are many other un-thought of uses as well.
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11-09-2006 12:46 PM
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RE: [Suggestion] Debug output in script debug viewer being able to be saved to file
Would be handy I sapose, especially if a script is whats crashing WLM.

When I first read the title, I thought WTF??, just copy paste it, but I now know that you mean.
11-10-2006 05:36 AM
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