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Making new sound packs & catagories
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O.P. Huh?  Making new sound packs & catagories

I was wondering if someone could please explain how one makes new sound packs?
I have a lot of .wavs on my computer and would like to use them but the only way I can see to add them is one by one...I would like to share them with friends too and that makes sending them that way far too slow.

Also, is there a way to add new catagories to the list of Cartoons, Tv, Music, Vocals and sound effects?

I can't say I'm exactly technically inclined but well past basic geek I think*-)

Thanks in advance,
02-25-2007 08:02 AM
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RE: Making new sound packs & catagories
Originally posted by pepperanne14
I was wondering if someone could please explain how one makes new sound packs?
Go to your Plus! Sound Library:
Plus! > Sound Library

From there, select the sounds (enable the check box) you which to export to a sound pack.
If you don't have any custom sounds yet, you first need to create some:
Plus! > Sound Library > New Sound

If you're done selecting sounds to export, press on the import/export button on the bottom left and follow the wizard.
Plus! > Sound Library > Import/Export

When the sound pack is created, you can send them to your friends like you would send any other file. Your friends need Messenger Plus! too in order to use the sounds of course. All they need to do is downloading the soundpacks from you and double clicking on them so the sounds will be imported.

Originally posted by pepperanne14
I have a lot of .wavs on my computer and would like to use them but the only way I can see to add them is one by one...I would like to share them with friends too and that makes sending them that way far too slow.
Only 1 sound at the time can be converted to a custom sound because sounds require individual settings and trimming. This can not be done automatically. That is: it can, but it would mean many sounds would be abruptly cut, cut in the wrong place, and none would have decent and proper descriptions.

Cutting a sound properly and adding proper descriptions is mandatory to not have a bunch of useless crappy sounds floating around on the sound server of Plus!. To make it a bit ordened so to speak...

So, nope, converting your own sounds to Plus! custom sounds can not be done on-mass automatically and it will always require manually setting sound per sound.

Originally posted by pepperanne14
Also, is there a way to add new catagories to the list of Cartoons, Tv, Music, Vocals and sound effects?
No, those categories are hard coded and fixed. The reason for this is that if it would be possible to have your own categories, the sound server would soon end up having thousands of categories as everybody would make their own (of which many will actually be the same) and sound categories would become useless because of it.

You need to remember that everything to do with custom sounds is shared among millions of people, it isn't just a feature which only you have access to. Other people have access to the things you make too. This requires some sort of order.

There was long time ago talk about adding custom categories, but this needs to be extremely well thought over and it isn't that easy/straightforward to add such a thing (also because of backwards compatibility problems).

It is true that the existing sound categories are limited, but almost every sound can be perfectly categorized in one of them.

This post was edited on 07-19-2008 at 08:19 PM by CookieRevised.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.
02-25-2007 08:08 AM
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RE: Making new sound packs & catagories
Actually, that's part of the reaons why the search box was added in Messenger Plus! Live. If you want to "group" some of your sounds you can always rename them by adding something like "(My Category)" at the end of their name and enter "My Category" in the search box.

Custom categories could be pretty hard to develop and may not be very convinient, still, it's an idea that could be developed (it would only be for local use, the server needs fixed categories so it would be more "custom groups" than "custom categories").
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02-25-2007 11:41 PM
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