Hi! This is my another script(one of my useless script
)...Some time ago I have seen a lot of requested about how to solve the freezing at sign-in but also when you are already online:The problem is the seguent:
If someone who has cracked the characters limitation send you a long message(online and offline message)your wlm freezes.With my script you can remove this freezing(you will be able to see long messages without freezing)....
Thanks to Beta Tester:Vikke,Fuse,Felu,Rugantino,Felipe,CyberDude
A Big Thank(as always
)to CookieRevised For the functions to write bytes in memory and to have given me a lot of advices....
How To use this script:
Enable it from Plus Script Menu
NOTE:This script is only for WLM 8.1.0178
-SOLVED A BUG(Now it's possible save the settings on the registry)
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