7 reasons the world will end in 2012 |
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Olympiacos CFP
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RE: 7 reasons the world will end in 2012
The same had been said on the 6/6/2006. On that day, there was a movie released. I think it was called Omen. That bullshit has to stop sometime. And even if this thread is right and the world will end in 2012, no one will be able to congratulate its author. The reason is obvious... 
03-03-2008 10:13 PM |
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RE: 7 reasons the world will end in 2012
quote: Originally posted by Basilis
The same had been said on the 6/6/2006. On that day, there was a movie released. I think it was called Omen.
To my knowledge, the movie The Omen was not about the end of the world, so there we go.
"Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry,
but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?"
03-03-2008 10:21 PM |
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Olympiacos CFP
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RE: 7 reasons the world will end in 2012
I remember it was released that day and it was talking about the end of the world. I am not sure though.
03-03-2008 10:22 PM |
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RE: RE: 7 reasons the world will end in 2012
quote: Originally posted by Basilis
I remember it was released that day and it was talking about the end of the world. I am not sure though.
I don't remember it being about the end of the world...it was about the son of the devil in human form wreaking havoc on people 
03-03-2008 10:31 PM |
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RE: 7 reasons the world will end in 2012
2012. 12/2 = 6, therefore 12/12/2012 it's the end of the world!
03-04-2008 05:51 AM |
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RE: 7 reasons the world will end in 2012
I'm most likley wrong, but I thought it would be cool to add my thoughts. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Isn't our solar system supposed to pass through the center of the galaxy in 2012 or something to that effect? The reason I'm asking is because I have seen many articles saying there is a black hole at the center of the milkyway. If I've put 2 & 2 together, that equals 4 rite? Nah, but really, It seems that this path could lead to some shrinkage.
I don't know how to put this... I'm kind of a big deal.
03-04-2008 02:05 PM |
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RE: RE: 7 reasons the world will end in 2012
'life sucks without socks' wise words of, well, me
03-04-2008 06:54 PM |
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RE: 7 reasons the world will end in 2012
quote: Originally posted by JVBeats
I'm most likley wrong, but I thought it would be cool to add my thoughts. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Isn't our solar system supposed to pass through the center of the galaxy in 2012 or something to that effect? The reason I'm asking is because I have seen many articles saying there is a black hole at the center of the milkyway. If I've put 2 & 2 together, that equals 4 rite? Nah, but really, It seems that this path could lead to some shrinkage.
you're wrong, fortunatly
It would be the same as saying that the moon will pass through the sun within a few years (while all other planets and moons nicely stay in orbit).
Our solarsystem turns around the center of our galaxy (The Milkeyway) together with a gazzilion other 'solar' systems, just as the planets of our solar system turn around the sun.
In essence, our solarsystem is a miniature version of our galaxy: the sun being the center, and the planets representing the solar systems. Just as the Earth and the Moon are a mini-mini-galaxy. Just as atoms and electrodes are mini-mini-mini-galaxies, etc...
What might be happening is that someday our solar system would be nicely aligned so that we could point telescopes towards the center of our galaxy to study it without interferance of other planets, or something like that. Or that the sun would be nicely aligned with the center in reference to the Earth, etc...
But the entire solar system suddenly travelling out of orbit and going on vacation to the center of the Milkeyway is a bit wrong  (if that would be true then all our star constilations would already be completely different and we would already suffer from various disasters caused by gravity shifts and whatever).
This post was edited on 03-04-2008 at 11:26 PM by CookieRevised.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.
03-04-2008 11:24 PM |
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RE: 7 reasons the world will end in 2012
quote: Originally posted by CookieRevised
we would already suffer from various disasters caused by gravity shifts and whatever
Changing the gravity sounds fun  .
03-05-2008 04:10 AM |
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RE: 7 reasons the world will end in 2012
* Soardra just read all the posts in this topic minus the ones deleted *
Hmm, I don't believe in this "The world's gonna end" nonsense because of a few things. One, I try not to look into "the future" of things because what happens happens. I've made some really dumb choices in my life that I regret not acting on, but nothing can change that. At the moment I cant comprehend an existance away from my parent's house. (Yes, I know that's very sad...I don't have very lofty goals, k?). I'm just happy that I DON'T know all that there is to know because that means I can spend more time happily learning.
Another thing, just because it's being predicted "CATASTROPHY! WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE" Does not mean that the "World" will end. nothing can be completely destroyed because every single atom in the universe is simply moving to another spot, spliting, and combineing...there is no such thing as true destruction because even in the wake of destruction new life is formed and the leftovers are...well, left behind.
If we were to kill ourselves a new form of life would take over the world. Just think about the dinosaurs...if there hadn't been a mass extinction of reptiles the mammals would not have become the dominate kingdom it is today. For all we know if we die a superior species will take our place.
Thanks for uploading my pirate status buttons, MeEtc ^^
03-05-2008 05:49 AM |
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