What it does:
Displays quotes from:-
- Street Fighter Alpha 3
Street Fighter Alpha 2
Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike
Marvel Super Heros Vs Street Fighter
Bruce Lee, Chuck Norris and Mr T
Custom option to add any of your own quotes ![:D](images/smilies/msn_grin.gif)
"Quote Now" outputs a quote from the selected character. Or you can use "/quote" without the speech marks).
"Ninja Mode" disables the formatting of the quote to look like normal text.
"Autoreply ON/OFF" will send a quote to whoever u enabled it on. Select it again to turn it off (per person).
"Disable All Autoreply" stops automatic replies to everyone.
To add your own set of quotes simply open up CUSTOM.txt and follow the format in the example:-
this is freds first quote
this is freds second quote
easy peasy
RESTART msn and your quotes will appear in the "custom" menu.
Any feedback, criticism or ideas welcome
Download & screenshot: