Well I just watched the film "I am legend"
There's just a few things that have stuck in my head. And I was just wondering if anyone that has seen it thinks the same or has answers
[*]Why where the animals there? (I was thinking from a zoo or something but not sure) and also what was the significance of them being there, from the adverts I thought they would have had a bigger role in the film.
[*]Had Robert (will smith) gone kind of insane, talking to the manakins as if they were real people. The part where the manakin is part of the trap he talks to it as if he were real.
[*]Was it the monster people that set the trap for him? Robert said something about them having no basic human instinct left at all so I don't get how they could watch him set a trap and set one themselves.
[*]At the point in the film where Robert has just got out of the trap, the monster dogs can come out into the shade but not pass the line of light. Near the beginning in the scene under the bridge when Robert captures one of the monster people, another comes out slightly but can't (but they're in the shade under the bridge) so how come he can't
I thought it was overall an okay film, but it seemed to drag on slightly and then suddenly end.
Also the bit where he knows all the words to shrek kinda made me laugh
One more thing

, at the very end where the woman and her son get into the safe, he could of got into the safe aswell and left the grenade on the floor or something.
Okay another one more thing, the whole "Look daddy its a butterfly" I think is kinda pointless. The woman in the safe could of taken the blood without being the one that "had to do it".