Originally posted by riahc4
Originally posted by CookieRevised
I hate to see Plus! going in the same direction (Plu$!)
That is one of the oldest and childish cheap shots to take at MS. Grow up.
Oh please... don't say you actually fail to understand what I'm talking about here....
If you actually read what I wrote before that, you would understand that 'Plu$!' is a analogy to how people (read: people, not me!) sometimes refer to MS because they think it's nothing more than an money-oriented company. And this quite often comes from the fact that MS sometimes forces people to upgrade (to expensive updates)... although the updates are with good reasons (mostly todo with security), but that is NOT how those people see this. In the same analogy, if the script DB is going to be 'upgraded' those very same people might make the very same analogy and start thinking that Patchou is doing exactly the same thing; promoting Vista and thus almost forcing people to upgrade (read:buy) Vista and thus calling it Plu$!.
I'm the last one who would use "M$". If I thought it was M$ I wouldn't use Windows, wouldn't be interested in being a beta tester and improving their products, wouldn't defend them if someone uses M$ to bash them, wouldn't be a butterfly, nor a mvp.
And to react on your other reply: Win98/2000 vs. XP can not be compared to XP vs. Vista, yet... Vista isn't even out for 2 years, SP1 isn't even released fully to everyone, etc.... We are talking about Vista here, not about an OS which is already decades old and which has no support anymore for many hardware.
(in fact, it is Vista which still has problems with some hardware support. So far for being "best")
Originally posted by riahc4
Originally posted by vikke
People doesn't use Vista because it's "best". It's much less stable than XP,
Really? So your posting on a forum and yet dont know how to make your PC stable? Amazing...
I dont know where people get this "less stable" crap; My PC runs great on Vista with 0 issues. Alot of people I know dont have any issues with Vista. Everyone bitched when XP came out and now everyone wants the same thing with Vista
1) Since when do you need to know how to make an OS stable in order to post on a forum?
2) Yes, the bitching starts again (it starts with every new OS), but that is no reason to remove stuff related to an OS which is still among the most used OSs. Again, it comes down to the userbase, imo.
Originally posted by riahc4
Originally posted by vikke
Probably 50% of the users use Vista because it got included with their PC when they bought it.
With that made up statistic, did you know that PCs with Vista included have sold more than double than PCs with XP in the same lifetime period?
As long as I don't see figures, I assume that is hear-say also. Even then, other factors might be in play here. eg: cheaper prices maybe? The growing IT market maybe? More PC-literate people maybe?
Originally posted by riahc4
Originally posted by vikke
Another thing that bothers me is how could Windows Vista be a standard when no old standards work on it? The reason mostly of the scripts aren't working in Messenger Plus! is because Vista removed support for old standards (for example, VB6 ActiveX support). What were Microsoft thinking?
Keyword: old
So hey we should have support Betamax on Vista right?
Or support for MCA?

FYI, ActiveX is far from 'old' and 'old' is certainly not the reason why there are problems with some ActiveX DLLs on Vista. If it was you wouldn't even be able to use a scripting engine like VBScript, JScript, etc on Vista at all. Not to mention MSIE with all its ActiveX addons and stuff. The reason is most likely security and some APIs used in some ActiveX DLLs which aren't supported by Vista anymore or which are replaced by others.
Originally posted by riahc4
Like I said: Id like for scripts to be forced to work on both Vista/XP but if not I perfer a more modern, stable, better, improved, and technologically advanced OS which is Vista.
Then use Vista, and stop demanding that everything must be forcefully compatible with WLM9, betas and what not. (See many previous demands of yours). If you don't like it, don't use it, simple.
Originally posted by riahc4
I was talking about Cookie's logic; I am glad the old Plus! died seeing as Plus! Live is alot better 
My logic? Don't talk about something if you don't understand it.
The comment of yours
"That is one of the oldest and childish cheap shots to take at MS. Grow up." shows exactly that you don't understand a thing what I'm talking about. I'm not talking about NOT updating scripts, I'm talking about keeping the (quality) XP-only scripts since some scripts can/are usefull to XP users. And some of them can not be updated for whatever reason (maybe the coder doesn't know how, maybe the coder doesn't have the money to even buy Vista to test, maybe a feature is simply not available in Vista, etc). A simple notice that they are only XP-compatible should be sufficient, imho. If you happen to use Vista, you don't loose anything if they were removed. But if you happen to use XP, it would be a shame that a quality script wouldn't be in the DB anymore (and thus hard to find), just because someone else (aka you) doesn't want to see XP-only scripts, which you could very easly skip over or filter out or whatever.
But for you it seems to be all about forcefully moving towards a brand new thing (including betas, see some of your posts about WLM9 and some scripts) just because you happen to use Vista. In your
logic: "if I use Vista, I demand that everybody must use it, and all the rest is crap". Even your very first post in this thread (and other posts in other scripting threads) shows that you don't have much clues why some things aren't possible. All fine, good, ok and all, but even if it's explained to you why it isn't possible or whatever, you still _demand_ that it is done. Nice that you always want the latest, but there might be people which are very happy with what they currently have and who are you to demand that they must use what you use, because that is what you do.
Sorry to be harsh, but this is what I had on my liver atm.