O.P. Contact Name part for Contact List Clean-Up window's second mode
While viewing "Contacts who have me" in Contact List Clean-Up window, all the contacts who I don't have in my list appear only with their email addresses. For those contacts, the contact name part displays their e-mail addresses like what E-mail part displays, so it is currently useless because Messenger forgets the names of contacts who we don't have in our list. However, I most of the time concentrate on names, not addresses, and it is currently difficult for me to recognize who an email address belongs to while checking who have me but I don't have.
Saving the last seen display names of contacts in Messenger Plus! Live's registry root, Contacts, and retrieving the names from that root when needed can solve this issue I think. Because, contact's individual entries in registry is not deleted while we are deleting contacts from our list.
You may want to see what I am talking about from the attachment. Thank you.
Attachment: contact name vs. email.PNG (11.56 KB)
This file has been downloaded 146 time(s).