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A 'few' things I'd like to know :P
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O.P. A 'few' things I'd like to know :P
Err, Lately I post alot of questions xD
So I'm just gonna sum it up in 1 thread :P
I'd like to know these things :P

1. Set a image, as png file (able to use transparancy), as the contact list background. Instead of the white one.

2. Tweak the 'information bar' at the chat window, the one that says: Contact is typing a message (roughly translated). Its the one that now appears underneath the text, instead of under the type box. I'd like to either move, remove, or set a transparacy or image to it

3. The Chat window text background. What file do I tweak to enter a different ARGB? (so to change transparancy?)

4. Again, chat window text background: how to set a png file (able to use transparancy) as that image?

5. at the top left corner of the contact list, I see ugly bright windows live messenger picture. the light-blueish orb thingeby. How do I remove / move (preferably move) that?

6. How do I move the contact list mini-display pictures to the place of the status icons, and the status icons to the place of the display pictures?
Simply, how to switch them?

I'd like to see

[Status] [Display pic] [Nick] [PSM]

instead of the standard [display pic] [ Status ] ...

7. how to move the chat window toolbar (the one with the emoticons button and buzzer button), to a different place? Is there a way to move the bar itself (so the code of the picture locations) and the location of the toolbar picture (20199 - Chat Window Formatting Toolbar Background) at the same time, so on the same code?

8. Same as 7., but now the bar with the plus! button, email button etc at the contact list?

9. Just when you thought 'a few questions'.. :P
Those 'arrows', more like triangles pointing a way, for drop down menu's like the 'menubar list (file, options)', is there a file connected to that image? I'd like to have it removed, but leave the other image intact. Example in the file I attached.

10. At the attachment, you see a selection made in photoshop. It's the 'border' of the contact list. you see it between the toolbar and the list, and between the list and the advertisement space. I'd like to know how to tweak it, iow: how to move it, or set transparancy. or if there is, what image relates to that line of pixels. D:

Ehm, dont get this like I demand it :P Dont feel forced to answer them all at the same time, please just post if you feel like it and know the answer to a matter. :)

Sorry for epoc grammar failure and stuff D:

ehm.. well, hope you can help me :P

.png File Attachment: 9-10 matter.png (18.87 KB)
This file has been downloaded 156 time(s).

This post was edited on 07-04-2008 at 05:29 PM by DennisMartijn.
07-04-2008 05:24 PM
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RE: A 'few' things I'd like to know :P
Here are some quick answers, if you need clarification someone else can do it, haven't got the time atm :P

1: If you are after a glass effect where you can see the desktop then its impossible. Messenger does not support it. Otherwise just replace the 20061 image.

2: Moving the infomation bar causes bugs, but you can remove it by wrapping a blank element around it and setting its layoutpos to none.

3: 920 Style

4: See #1

5: Look in the definition file of that window, its pretty obvious which one you have to get rid of. (windowicon element)

6: Just move the elements around or edit the layoutpos value

7: Wouldn't attempt to try this unless you know how layouts work properly, it can cause a lot of problems. If you are a new skinner I wouldn't try it just yet. Explaining this would take time that I don't have atm :P just know that moving elements around drastically will most likely cause issues.

8: see #7

9: No image file, its code controlled. If you look for the word "caret" in definitions you will find it. I wouldn't remove it since its a UI convention which shows that something will dropdown when the user clicks it, but you know whatever.....

10: Yeah no way, that's not how it works. Some borders are code controlled while others are merged with images. The ones that are merged with images you have to edit manually (and even still you won't get what you want). The code controlled ones there is no chance you can get the effect you are after.

This post was edited on 07-05-2008 at 04:45 AM by Willz.
07-05-2008 04:40 AM
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O.P. RE: A 'few' things I'd like to know :P
9. If I'd keep the ugly triangle, is it possible in any way to make it use a Alpha of 0, without messenger popping up with some crappy error?

10. ok, so no transparency and stuff. but I take it its not removeable either? (visible=false or layoutpos=none?)
07-05-2008 06:56 AM
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