Vorschlag: Download-Manager |
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O.P. Vorschlag: Download-Manager
Hallo an alle ...
Ich hab da ein paar Dateien an ein Paar von meinen Kontakten gesendet, und da bekomm' ich doch eine Idee für ein neues Skript:
Was würdet ihr von einem Skript sagen, das wenn man eine Datei sendet (an einem unserer Kontakte), sich ein Fenster öffnet das dem "Download-Manager" von MozillaFirefox ähnlich/identisch ist. Es soll uns sagen, was denn noch fehlt (Größe/Zeit), und an wen wir es am senden sind. Ich mein: so ein Fenster wie das vom Firefox währe echt ideal, nur dass man noch den Namen, der jeweiligen Person hinzufügen könnte an der wir die Datei senden ...
Warum solch einen Skript basteln? Nun ich finde es, nach meiner Meinung sehr sehr sehr unangenehm, eine Datei zu senden, dann viel Text zu schreiben, dann wieder andere Dateien senden, und wenn man Pech hat, und die Dateien sehr groß sind, ist die erste noch nicht fertig, wenn man schon die zweite sendet. Und wenn man sehen möchte, wie viel denn noch bleibt (Größe) muss man den gesamten Text hoch scrollen, und dann wieder runter um weiter zu schreiben, etc. ... In einem Download-Manager-Fenster, könnte man ein upload nach (unter) dem anderen sehen (+abbrechen, pausieren...) Mann sollte auch einstellen können ob der Download-Manager sich automatisch schließt, wenn alle Downloads abgeschlossen sind. Und ob der sich die Upgeloadeten Dateien merken soll, oder beim schließen des Fensters/abmelden vom WLM sich die "Chronik der upgeloadeten Dateien" löscht... (Also alles fast genauso wie im MozFire)
Bitte, wer ein wenig Interesse hat , soll's sagen. Und wenn ihr Ideen zur Verbesserung habt, sagt's bitte auch!. Wenn die Idee ein wenig ausgereift ist, könnte man Bingen sehr kurzer zeit ein Projekt daraus machen und letzten Endes, ein Skript.
ein Gruß!
PS:Bitte um eine anständige englische Übersetzung.
09-29-2008 12:30 PM |
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RE: Vorschlag: Download-Manager
quote: Originally posted by pkramerruiz
Hello all,
I have sent a few files to some of my contacts, and that's when I got a idea for a new script:
What would you think of a script opening a Firefox "download manager"-alike (or same) window, when sending a file to one of our contacts. It should tell us what is missing (size/time), and whom we are sending it to. I mean: such a window like Firefox's window would be ideal, only to add the name of the corresponding person, that is, the receiver of the file...
Why create such a script? Well I fing that it is very very very uncomfortable to send a file, then type much text, then send other files again, and if the files are very big by random, the first file won't be finished when you send the second. And if you want to see what's left (size) you have to scroll up the whole text, and then down again to continue typing, etc... In a download manager window, you could see the uploads listed one after another (+cancel, pause...) There should also be the possibility to set if the download manager closes automatically when all downloads are finished. And if to remember uploaded files, or if the history gets cleaned up when closing the window/signing out of WLM (so, everything exactly like in Mozilla Firefox)
Please, if somebody is interested a bit, tell me. And if you got ideas for making it even better, please tell as well! When the idea has advanced a bit, there could be a project created in short time and at the end, a script.
PS: Please translate this into English properly.
09-29-2008 12:43 PM |
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RE: Vorschlag: Download-Manager
I did already start doing something like this (so did Dempsey IIRC for his WhoSentIt script)... The problem is that it's really hard to get the file size data properly... If it's not done right it all stops working... It is particularly hard to test as well as you have to keep being sent files and doing this with Polygamy from one account to another may not work properly all the time.
I will start looking at this again... (I've had enough of working on my bot atm... it doesn't seem to want me to listen for protocol messages )
<Eljay> "Problems encountered: shit blew up"
09-29-2008 03:44 PM |
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O.P. RE: RE: Vorschlag: Download-Manager
quote: Originally posted by SpunkyLoveMuff
I did already start doing something like this (so did Dempsey IIRC for his WhoSentIt script)... The problem is that it's really hard to get the file size data properly... If it's not done right it all stops working... It is particularly hard to test as well as you have to keep being sent files and doing this with Polygamy from one account to another may not work properly all the time.
I will start looking at this again... (I've had enough of working on my bot atm... it doesn't seem to want me to listen for protocol messages )
Hey, many Thanks for your effort!
Hope to hear from you, cause I think it can be an usefull addon/extension/script .
But at the moment it feels like a distant dream...
09-29-2008 05:05 PM |
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RE: Vorschlag: Download-Manager
Hey, done some work on this the last couple of days and I've come up with the basics. I just need to work on the actual GUI at the moment because it looks boring and then I can add a few more details. Time remaining would have been a cool thing to have, but it will have to be elapsed time instead. There is also size, filename and sender. I might make a second window for outgoing downloads (or possibly add it to this window), but thats gonna be in the future. There are only 3 slots at the moment because AFAIK that is the default limit in WLM for one time.
I just need to find a more accurate method for getting the size of the data chunks from the message's header (already asked about this).
Here is a preview while you actually wait for the script:
Attachment: preview.png (10.94 KB)
This file has been downloaded 272 time(s).
<Eljay> "Problems encountered: shit blew up"
10-01-2008 12:13 PM |
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O.P. RE: RE: Vorschlag: Download-Manager
Awsome! I really like it. I think, everyone will enjoy it, when it's finished...
Yeah, you're right, the "Time remaining thing" would be very cool... Can't you have a look at/copy it from the firefox source?
Maybe, you can still add more slots, that are in pause/Waiting list...
They look just like the normal uploads, but these are paused until a slot is free again to upload. So you can always see what upload comes next, if more than three sends files. (Otherwise we would have to select the file we want to send five times for 15 files (±1CD)...)
If you could do it, it won't be bad if you have the option to move the upload (modify the rank higher or lower) could be (in order before they have begun to determine whether another file first be send ...)
Do you think it's also possible to add a tab (above), where you can see the files that are currently (sended/received) in shared folder?
Here, I think it looks not bad. Did it?
Attachment: downloads2 modifiziert.png (34.42 KB)
This file has been downloaded 238 time(s).
This post was edited on 10-01-2008 at 09:10 PM by pkramerruiz.
10-01-2008 09:09 PM |
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RE: Vorschlag: Download-Manager
The time remaining would have to be worked out by:
(average sized of packet * amount of packages per second) - total length of data
or something very similar anyway. It it not possible to get it from FF source code as it's programmed differently.
Tabs would be possible to show which ones are completed and which are still downloading. However, it may be harder (or impossible) to add extra download slots in the main window... The problem is that you cannot add controls dynamically so you have to re-use them all
<Eljay> "Problems encountered: shit blew up"
10-01-2008 09:54 PM |
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RE: RE: Vorschlag: Download-Manager
quote: Originally posted by SpunkyLoveMuff
There are only 3 slots at the moment because AFAIK that is the default limit in WLM for one time.
IIRC that limit can be removed via patching.
Edit: here. " Accept more than 3 files (transfers) at a time"
This post was edited on 10-02-2008 at 05:03 AM by davidpolitis.
10-02-2008 05:01 AM |
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RE: Vorschlag: Download-Manager
quote: Originally posted by davidpolitis
quote: Originally posted by SpunkyLoveMuff
There are only 3 slots at the moment because AFAIK that is the default limit in WLM for one time.
IIRC that limit can be removed via patching.
Edit: here. "Accept more than 3 files (transfers) at a time"
I know, but like I said it would require dynamic boxes to be effective. If I added support for every patch it would take a lot longer...
<Eljay> "Problems encountered: shit blew up"
10-02-2008 09:25 AM |