From what I understand, when someone sends you something while you're in a personalized status, you want instead of sending the following...
Someone says:
...You there?
Phenic Raider auto-message: Gone out, back later.
use the normal message markup, like so:
Someone says:
...You there?
Phenic Raider says:
Gone out, back later.
In case my assumption is correct... Well, it's not possible to do this in an easy way. Yes, it is possible to capture what message
should be sent using a script by keeping track of the parameters passed to
OnEvent_EnterPersonalizedStatus (the
AutoMessage parameter), but there's no way to prevent Plus! from sending the original auto-message anyway, you'd end up with duplicates:
Someone says:
...You there?
Phenic Raider auto-message: Gone out, back later.
Phenic Raider says:
Gone out, back later.
Someone says:
LOL you said that twice. 
If you'd be able to prevent Plus! from sending its own messages, yes, it would be possible with a script. Even better would be if this was done within Plus! Live itself, of course!