I'm making a script that edits a registry (or overwrites doesnt matter).
On messagerecieve it will add to the registry a color - to change the keyboard to, and after 1 second it adds a second colour(restore it back to the previous color, so it looks like it flashes
This is what mynetx has come up with, but it doesn't work properly:
JScript code:
// Colour Changer
// Created by mynetx <mynetx@msgpluslive.net>
// global variables
var intColorHighlight = 0xffff6018; // aabbggrr, intense orange
var intColorNormal = 0xfffd2f22; // aabbggrr, smooth red
var objShell; // will hold the Shell ActiveX
var strAlienKey = "HKCU\\Software\\AlienFXAPI\\ColorWheel\\Colors\\Keyboard"; // registry path
// event handlers
function OnEvent_Initialize(boolMessengerStart) {
objShell = new ActiveXObject('WScript.Shell');
function OnEvent_ChatWndReceiveMessage(objWnd, strOrigin, strMessage, intMessageKind) {
if(strOrigin == Messenger.MyName)
objShell.RegWrite(strAlienKey, intColorHighlight, 'REG_DWORD');
MsgPlus.AddTimer('ResetColor', 1000);
function OnEvent_Timer(strTimerId) {
switch(strTimerId) {
case 'ResetColor':
objShell.RegWrite(strAlienKey, intColorNormal, 'REG_DWORD');
Thanks for your help