(excuse spelling) what i would like 2 see is a script that takes out the stupid rule that only lets u send 5 emoticons per msg coz i fink its realy annoying, i would make one myself but i lack the technical know-how so if anyone knows and/or is bored you might wna make one < luk how gud that is
This post was edited on 11-22-2008 at 12:20 AM by tizer2k7.
Posts: 3657 Reputation: 61
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Joined: Aug 2006
RE: Suggestion
You'd probably have to patch Messenger, but thats no guarantee that the servers won't truncate them (or the contact's messenger client for that matter)
Posts: 1366 Reputation: 46
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Joined: Dec 2007
RE: Suggestion
You can only use StuffPlug with Messenger 2008 though. And I think you just need to have it, whether your contacts have it or not. At least the program itself says so since in other options it is mentioned that both have to use the program.