Script for webcam? |
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O.P. Script for webcam?
In the scripting manual I didnt find "camera" in the search.
Can I operate the web cam from a script?
Will I be able to manipulate the web cam window? - move, resize, add text (headline for example) etc'?
How can I learn how to do that?
Is there any script that I can use as reference to learn from?
03-11-2009 09:09 AM |
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RE: Script for webcam?
Hello Hen,
Messenger Plus! does currently not have access to your or your contact's webcam. Therefore, you cannot control or access it either in scripting.
03-11-2009 09:59 AM |
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O.P. RE: RE: Script for webcam?
quote: Originally posted by mynetx
Messenger Plus! does currently not have access to your or your contact's webcam.
Can I do that? :
Write a program in TCL, enable the camera, output will be a nice window.
Call the TCL (or other C++) program from messenger plus, and thus bypassing this limitation?
03-11-2009 03:47 PM |
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RE: Script for webcam?
quote: Originally posted by Hen
Can I do that? :
Write a program in TCL
I don't know if you can write TCL programs...
quote: Originally posted by Hen
enable the camera, output will be a nice window
I also don't know if you can access the camera from within TCL. quote: Originally posted by Hen
Call the TCL (or other C++) program from messenger plus
You can run any command in Messenger Plus! scripts. Just create a COM object and run your line: JScript code:
var objShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
var strCommand = "calc"; // just example, should open the Calculator
var intResult = objShell.Run(strCommand);
You can find more information on the Run command in the MSDN documentation.
03-11-2009 04:28 PM |
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O.P. RE: Script for webcam?
Thank you for your reply and help.
03-12-2009 10:39 AM |
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RE: Script for webcam?
quote: Originally posted by mynetx
Hello Hen,
Messenger Plus! does currently not have access to your or your contact's webcam. Therefore, you cannot control or access it either in scripting.
Are there any plans to add this functionality in the near future? I've been thinking about doing something that would require said capability.
03-16-2009 12:11 PM |
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RE: Script for webcam?
Note that if you can do something with another program, you most likely can do it with Plus! scripting too as it has very few restrictions and allows you to use not only ActiveX/COM objects but also to use Windows APIs.
If there are some limits in Plus! scripting because you can't access certain objects, then those limitations would probably also apply to any other programming environment. The other way around is true also.
Aka, if you could manage to do want you want in TCL, then you could probably also do it in Plus! scripting.
(the above is not always true though, but in most cases it is and then it is just a question of how; Learning the Plus! scripting language (which is JScript) and its added components)
This post was edited on 03-17-2009 at 05:22 AM by CookieRevised.
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03-17-2009 05:21 AM |
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RE: Script for webcam?
I'm just looking for a way to start a video call with a script... doesn't need to do anything aside from that. If WLM has an API that I could latch into with a service program written in C#, then fire that from the script, would that work?
<< complete noob with this scripting stuff... although I'm pretty well versed in JavaScript.
03-17-2009 11:57 AM |
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RE: Script for webcam?
I think you can use the SendMessage API from Windows to launch webcams. I can't remember the correct parameter for webcam although it is on the forum somewhere if you search
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03-17-2009 12:24 PM |
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O.P. RE: Script for webcam?
When I opened the windows visual basic => Tools => reference, I added the Messenger API.
Browsing the "object browser" and then looking under IMessenger2 there is this function:
Messenger.StartVideo (vContact)
Why doesn't it work? :
function OnEvent_ChatWndReceiveMessage(ChatWnd, Origin, Message, MessageKind)
var Contacts = ChatWnd.Contacts; // Deafult will be current chat window, or do I need to specify this?
var e = new Enumerator(Contacts);
var Contact = e.item(); // Assume a chat window with only one contact, no need to iterate
if (Message.match("Camera")!=null){
Do I need to use "Interop::Call " ? - if so, how?
Also the "Debug.trace" doesnt show the contact email in the debug window.
05-01-2009 10:24 AM |
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