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Error: unknown (code: -2147418113)
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Dr Nick
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O.P. Error: unknown (code: -2147418113)
Im making my first script (and I keep adding to it when i find out how to do something new...)

Ive just started to get this error, and cant see why... Here's the debugging:
Script is starting
Script is now loaded and ready
Function called: OnEvent_Initialize
Error: unknown (code: -2147418113)
       File: Status Checker.js. Line: 94.
Function OnEvent_Timer returned an error. Code: -2147352567
Function called: OnEvent_Signin
Function called: OnGetScriptMenu
Function called: OnEvent_Uninitialize
Script has been stopped

Heres the (majority of) the code:
var originalPSM;
var originalPSM1;
var idleSeconds;
var isIdle;
var isBusy;
var PSMnumber;
var PSM1number;
var PSMtype;
var seconds = 60;
var allowed = 1;

function OnEvent_Initialize(MessengerStart)
    idleSeconds = 0;
    isIdle = false;
    isBusy = false;
    MsgPlus.AddTimer('rotate', seconds * 1000);

function OnEvent_Signin(sEmail)
    MsgPlus.DisplayToast("Status Checker,","Status Checker Running...");

function OnEvent_Uninitialize(MessengerExit)

function updateMessage() {
    if(allowed==1) {
        if(PSMtype==1) {
            if(PSMnumber==1) {
                originalPSM = "PM1";
            } else if(PSMnumber==2) {
                originalPSM = "PM2";
            } else {
                originalPSM = "PM3";
            Messenger.MyPersonalMessage = originalPSM;
        } else {
            if(PSM1number==1) {
                originalPSM1 = "PM1 - type 2";
            } else {
                originalPSM1 = "PM2 - type 2";
            Messenger.MyPersonalMessage = originalPSM1;         ///------This is line 94 (causing the error)

function OnEvent_MyStatusChange(NewStatus) {
    if(allowed==1) {
        if( NewStatus == 7 || NewStatus == 6 ) {
            Messenger.MyPersonalMessage = "Text/ ring me and I'll be back ASAP! 0hrs:0mins:0secs";
            MsgPlus.AddTimer( "incIdle", 1000 );
            MsgPlus.AddTimer( "updateDisplay", 6000 );
            isIdle = true;
            isBusy = false;
            MsgPlus.DisplayToast("Status Checker","Idle/Away State Activated");
        } else if(NewStatus == 4) {
            Messenger.MyPersonalMessage = "Text me! I'm in a full screen app and msngr alerts are off! :)";
            isBusy = true;
            isIdle = false;
            idleSeconds = 0;
            MsgPlus.DisplayToast("Status Checker","Busy State Activated");
        } else {
            isIdle = false;
            isBusy = false;
            idleSeconds = 0;
            MsgPlus.DisplayToast("Status Checker","Normal State Activated");
            MsgPlus.AddTimer('rotate', seconds * 1000);

function OnEvent_Timer(sTimerId)
    if( isIdle == false && isBusy == false) {
        MsgPlus.AddTimer('rotate', seconds * 1000);
        return 0;
    } else if( sTimerId == "incIdle" ) {
        if(isIdle==true) {
            idleSeconds ++;
            MsgPlus.AddTimer( "incIdle", 1000 );
    else if( sTimerId == "updateDisplay" ) {
        if(isIdle==true) {
            var cIdleSeconds = idleSeconds;
            var idleHours = 0;
            var idleMinutes = 0;
            while( cIdleSeconds > 59 ) {
                cIdleSeconds -= 60;
                idleMinutes ++;
            while( idleMinutes > 59 ) {
                idleMinutes -= 60;
                idleHours ++;
            Messenger.MyPersonalMessage = "Text/ ring me and I'll be back ASAP! "+idleHours+"hrs:"+idleMinutes+"mins:"+cIdleSeconds+"secs";
            MsgPlus.AddTimer( "updateDisplay", 6000 );

function OnGetScriptCommands(){
    var oCommand = new Commands();
    with (oCommand) {
        AddCommand('pmrotate', 'Rotate your Personal Message');
        if(allowed==1) {
            AddCommand('pmtoggle', 'Disable Automatic PM Changes');
        } else if(allowed==0) {
            AddCommand('pmtoggle', 'Enable Automatic PM Changes');
    return oCommand.ExportCommands(); 

function OnEvent_ChatWndSendMessage(oChatWnd, sMessage) {
    if (/^\/([^\s\/]+)\s*([\s\S]*)$/.exec(sMessage) !== null) {       
        var _command = RegExp.$1.toLowerCase();
        var _param = RegExp.$2;
        switch (_command) {
            case 'pmrotate':
            if ( _param !== '' ) {
                seconds = _param;
            } else {
            return '';
        case 'pmtoggle':
            if(allowed==1) {
                MsgPlus.DisplayToast("Status Checker","Disabled");
            } else if(allowed==0) {
                MsgPlus.DisplayToast("Status Checker","Enabled");
                return '';

function OnGetScriptMenu(nLocation){
    var oMenu = new ScriptMenu();
    if(allowed==1) {
        oMenu.AddItem('/pmtoggle', 'Disable');
    } else if(allowed==0) {
        oMenu.AddItem('/pmtoggle', 'Enable');
        oMenu.AddItem('/pmrotate', 'Rotate PM');
    return oMenu.ExportMenu();

function OnEvent_MenuClicked(sMenuId, nLocation, oChatWnd){
    OnEvent_ChatWndSendMessage(oChatWnd, sMenuId);

I only took out the parts that I am sure have no significance...

Thanks for the help

The script does not work, until the script is stopped, and re-started again - I dont know why.

while(!success) { $try++; }
Windows 7 Ultimate (6.1.7000)
Windows Live Messenger 14.0.0206
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04-29-2009 10:38 AM
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Dr Nick
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O.P. RE: Error: unknown (code: -2147418113)
If you want the full script (with everything, rather than bits cut out) - its attached here as a zip file

Please help soon - I have no idea what i did to cause this - im guessing a typo I cant find?


.zip File Attachment: Status Checker.zip (3.83 KB)
This file has been downloaded 137 time(s).
while(!success) { $try++; }
Windows 7 Ultimate (6.1.7000)
Windows Live Messenger 14.0.0206
Messenger Plus! Live
04-29-2009 10:47 AM
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Scripting Guru

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RE: Error: unknown (code: -2147418113)
I made a few changes. Those are highlighted.

Javascript code:
var originalPSM;
var originalPSM1;
var idleSeconds;
var isIdle;
var isBusy;
var PSMnumber;
var PSM1number;
var PSMtype = 1;var seconds = 15;
var allowed = 1;
var aPSMArray [                1 : 'Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional',                2 : 'Tower: "Please report height and position?" - Pilot: "I\'m 5 foot 10 and sitting up front!';                3 : 'The owner of a \'91 Toyota Camry!';                4 : 'He who dies with the most toys wins!!!';                5 : 'You\'d Better Run, Egg!!!';                6 : '<?php while(!success) { $try++; } ?>';                7 : 'There are 10 kinds of ppl in this world! One kind know binary, and the other doesn\'t';                8 : 'There is no "I" in team, but there is an "m" and an "e"!';                9 : 'Extension Maths is just like doing normal Maths..... TO THE EXTREME!!!';                10 : 'Never play leapfrog with a unicorn ;)';                11 : 'One day Wally should wear something different and really screw everyone up';                12 : 'Parental Controls: Settings used to controls ones parents activity on ones computer.';                13 : 'Part of being sane, is being a little bit crazy.';                14 : 'I have noticed that the people who are late are often so much jollier than the people who have to wait for them.';                15 : 'I believe whatever doesn\'t kill you simply makes you... stranger...';                16 : 'You haven\'t seen a tree until you\'ve seen its shadow from the sky';>>>            ];<<<
function OnEvent_Initialize(MessengerStart) {
    idleSeconds = 0;
    isIdle = false;
    isBusy = false;
    MsgPlus.AddTimer('rotate', seconds * 1000);
function OnEvent_Signin(sEmail) { MsgPlus.DisplayToast("Nick,","You're so awesome!"); }
function updateMessage() {
    if(allowed==1) {
        if(PSMtype==1) {
                        if (PSMNumber < 16)
                originalPSM = aPSMArray[++PSMnumber];            }
            else {
                originalPSM = "There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as if everything is.";
            Messenger.MyPersonalMessage = originalPSM;
        } else {
            if(PSM1number==1) {
                originalPSM1 = "Nick Has 12.5% Of His (au) License";
            } else {
                originalPSM1 = "Nick Has 31.5% Of His (ap) License";
            Messenger.MyPersonalMessage = originalPSM1;
function OnEvent_MyStatusChange(NewStatus) {
    if(allowed==1) {
        if( NewStatus == 7 || NewStatus == 6 ) {
            Messenger.MyPersonalMessage = "Text/ ring me and I'll be back ASAP! 0hrs:0mins:0secs";
            MsgPlus.AddTimer( "incIdle", 1000 );
            MsgPlus.AddTimer( "updateDisplay", 6000 );
            isIdle = true;
            isBusy = false;
            //Messenger.MyDisplayPicture = "C:\\Program Files\Messenger Plus! Live\Scripts\StatusDP\DP\offline.jpg";
            MsgPlus.DisplayToast("Status Checker","Idle/Away State Activated");
        } else if(NewStatus == 4) {
            Messenger.MyPersonalMessage = "Text me! I'm in a full screen app and msngr alerts are off! :)";
            isBusy = true;
            isIdle = false;
            idleSeconds = 0;
            MsgPlus.DisplayToast("Status Checker","Busy State Activated");
        } else {
            isIdle = false;
            isBusy = false;
            idleSeconds = 0;
            MsgPlus.DisplayToast("Status Checker","Normal State Activated");
            MsgPlus.AddTimer('rotate', seconds * 1000);
function OnEvent_Timer(sTimerId) {
    if( isIdle == false && isBusy == false) {
        MsgPlus.AddTimer('rotate', seconds * 1000);
        return 0;
    } else if( sTimerId == "incIdle" ) {
        if(isIdle==true) {
            idleSeconds ++;
            MsgPlus.AddTimer( "incIdle", 1000 );
    else if( sTimerId == "updateDisplay" ) {
        if(isIdle==true) {
            var cIdleSeconds = idleSeconds;
            var idleHours = 0;
            var idleMinutes = 0;
            while( cIdleSeconds > 59 ) {
                cIdleSeconds -= 60;
                idleMinutes ++;
            while( idleMinutes > 59 ) {
                idleMinutes -= 60;
                idleHours ++;
            Messenger.MyPersonalMessage = "Text/ ring me and I'll be back ASAP! "+idleHours+"hrs:"+idleMinutes+"mins:"+cIdleSeconds+"secs";
            MsgPlus.AddTimer( "updateDisplay", 6000 );
function OnGetScriptCommands(){
    var oCommand = new Commands();
    with (oCommand) {
        AddCommand('pmrotate', 'Rotate your Personal Message');
        AddCommand('pmtoggle', (allowed === 1 ? 'Disable' : 'Enable')+' Automatic PM Changes');    }
    return oCommand.ExportCommands();  
function OnEvent_ChatWndSendMessage(oChatWnd, sMessage) {
    if (/^\/([^\s\/]+)\s*([\s\S]*)$/.exec(sMessage) !== null) {        
        var _command = RegExp.$1.toLowerCase();
        var _param = RegExp.$2;
        switch (_command) {
            case 'pmrotate':
            if ( _param !== '' ) {
                seconds = _param;
            } else {
            return '';
        case 'pmtoggle':
            if(allowed==1) {
                MsgPlus.DisplayToast("Status Checker","Disabled");
            } else if(allowed==0) {
                MsgPlus.DisplayToast("Status Checker","Enabled");
                return '';
function OnGetScriptMenu(nLocation) {
    var oMenu = new ScriptMenu();
    with (oMenu) {        AddItem('/pmtoggle', (allowed === 1 ? 'Disable' : 'Enable') );        AddItem('/pmrotate', 'Rotate PM');    }    return oMenu.ExportMenu();
function OnEvent_MenuClicked(sMenuId, nLocation, oChatWnd) { OnEvent_ChatWndSendMessage(0, sMenuId); }

This post was edited on 04-30-2009 at 07:58 PM by matty.
04-29-2009 01:11 PM
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Dr Nick
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O.P. RE: Error: unknown (code: -2147418113)
Thanks, made the changes, closed messenger, opened it back up, and i get the same error in the debugger

Also, my PM does not rotate itself like it should.

Any idea's why this is still happening???

Thanks, Nick
I knew Id work it out eventually!

I took out the script from the on Initialize part, and put it in the On Signin part, so it wasnt trying to change my PM b4 i signed in...

This solved the problem, thanks for tidying up the script for me Matty!
while(!success) { $try++; }
Windows 7 Ultimate (6.1.7000)
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04-30-2009 11:23 AM
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RE: Error: unknown (code: -2147418113)
Make sure you use

Javascript code:
function OnEvent_Initialize() {
    if ( Messenger.MyStatus > 1) {
        OnEvent_SigninReady( Messenger.MyEmail );
function OnEvent_SigninReady( Email ) {
    // Start script here...


This post was edited on 04-30-2009 at 12:09 PM by Spunky.
<Eljay> "Problems encountered: shit blew up" :zippy:
04-30-2009 12:08 PM
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Scripting Guru

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RE: Error: unknown (code: -2147418113)
Or the other way around

Javascript code:
function OnEvent_Initialize() {
    if (Messenger.MyStatus < STATUS_INVISIBLE) return;
    // Do stuff here
function OnEvent_SigninReady( Email ) { OnEvent_Initialize(); }

Which in my opinion is better because one less function call.
04-30-2009 12:33 PM
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Skinning Contest Winner


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RE: Error: unknown (code: -2147418113)
I think it's better to use a switch or even the Array instead of all those else ifs..
: What a noob mod
04-30-2009 07:41 PM
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Scripting Guru

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RE: Error: unknown (code: -2147418113)
Javascript code:
var originalPSM='';
var originalPSM1='';
var idleSeconds=0;
var isIdle=0;
var isBusy=0;
var PSMnumber=0;
var PSM1number=0;
var PSMtype=1;
var seconds=15;
var allowed=1;
var aPSMArray = new Array [
                            1 : 'Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional',
                            2 : 'Tower: "Please report height and position?" - Pilot: "I\'m 5 foot 10 and sitting up front!',
                            3 : 'The owner of a \'91 Toyota Camry!',
                            4 : 'He who dies with the most toys wins!!!',
                            5 : 'You\'d Better Run, Egg!!!',
                            6 : '<?php while(!success) { $try++; } ?>',
                            7 : 'There are 10 kinds of ppl in this world! One kind know binary, and the other doesn\'t',
                            8 : 'There is no "I" in team, but there is an "m" and an "e"!',
                            9 : 'Extension Maths is just like doing normal Maths..... TO THE EXTREME!!!',
                            10 : 'Never play leapfrog with a unicorn ;)',
                            11 : 'One day Wally should wear something different and really screw everyone up',
                            12 : 'Parental Controls: Settings used to controls ones parents activity on ones computer.',
                            13 : 'Part of being sane, is being a little bit crazy.',
                            14 : 'I have noticed that the people who are late are often so much jollier than the people who have to wait for them.',
                            15 : 'I believe whatever doesn\'t kill you simply makes you... stranger...',
                            16 : 'You haven\'t seen a tree until you\'ve seen its shadow from the sky'
function OnEvent_Initialize(MessengerStart) {
    if (Messenger.MyStatus < STATUS_INVISIBLE) return false;
    MsgPlus.DisplayToast("Nick,","You're so awesome!");
    idleSeconds = 0;
    isIdle = false;
    isBusy = false;
    MsgPlus.AddTimer('rotate', seconds * 1000);
function OnEvent_SigninReady( sEmail ) { OnEvent_Initialize(); }
function updateMessage() {
    if(allowed==1 && PSMtype==1) {
        if (PSMNumber < 16) {
            originalPSM = aPSMArray[++PSMnumber];
        else {
            originalPSM = "There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as if everything is.";
        Messenger.MyPersonalMessage = originalPSM;
    } else {
        if(PSM1number==1) {
            originalPSM1 = "Nick Has 12.5% Of His (au) License";
        } else {
            originalPSM1 = "Nick Has 31.5% Of His (ap) License";
        Messenger.MyPersonalMessage = originalPSM1;
function OnEvent_MyStatusChange(NewStatus) {
    if(allowed==1) {
        if( NewStatus == 7 || NewStatus == 6 ) {
            Messenger.MyPersonalMessage = "Text/ ring me and I'll be back ASAP! 0hrs:0mins:0secs";
            MsgPlus.AddTimer( "incIdle", 1000 );
            MsgPlus.AddTimer( "updateDisplay", 6000 );
            isIdle = true;
            isBusy = false;
            //Messenger.MyDisplayPicture = "C:\\Program Files\Messenger Plus! Live\Scripts\StatusDP\DP\offline.jpg";
            MsgPlus.DisplayToast("Status Checker","Idle/Away State Activated");
        } else if(NewStatus == 4) {
            Messenger.MyPersonalMessage = "Text me! I'm in a full screen app and msngr alerts are off! :)";
            isBusy = true;
            isIdle = false;
            idleSeconds = 0;
            MsgPlus.DisplayToast("Status Checker","Busy State Activated");
        } else {
            isIdle = false;
            isBusy = false;
            idleSeconds = 0;
            MsgPlus.DisplayToast("Status Checker","Normal State Activated");
            MsgPlus.AddTimer('rotate', seconds * 1000);
function OnEvent_Timer(sTimerId) {
    if( isIdle == false && isBusy == false) {
        MsgPlus.AddTimer('rotate', seconds * 1000);
        return 0;
    } else if( sTimerId == "incIdle" ) {
        if(isIdle==true) {
            idleSeconds ++;
            MsgPlus.AddTimer( "incIdle", 1000 );
    else if( sTimerId == "updateDisplay" ) {
        if(isIdle==true) {
            var cIdleSeconds = idleSeconds;
            var idleHours = 0;
            var idleMinutes = 0;
            while( cIdleSeconds > 59 ) {
                cIdleSeconds -= 60;
                idleMinutes ++;
            while( idleMinutes > 59 ) {
                idleMinutes -= 60;
                idleHours ++;
            Messenger.MyPersonalMessage = "Text/ ring me and I'll be back ASAP! "+idleHours+"hrs:"+idleMinutes+"mins:"+cIdleSeconds+"secs";
            MsgPlus.AddTimer( "updateDisplay", 6000 );
function OnGetScriptCommands(){
    var oCommand = new Commands();
    with (oCommand) {
        AddCommand('pmrotate', 'Rotate your Personal Message');
        AddCommand('pmtoggle', (allowed === 1 ? 'Disable' : 'Enable')+' Automatic PM Changes');    }
    return oCommand.ExportCommands();  
function OnEvent_ChatWndSendMessage(oChatWnd, sMessage) {
    if (/^\/([^\s\/]+)\s*([\s\S]*)$/.exec(sMessage) !== null) {        
        var _command = RegExp.$1.toLowerCase();
        var _param = RegExp.$2;
        switch (_command) {
            case 'pmrotate':
            if ( _param !== '' ) {
                seconds = _param;
            } else {
            return '';
        case 'pmtoggle':
            if(allowed==1) {
                MsgPlus.DisplayToast("Status Checker","Disabled");
            } else if(allowed==0) {
                MsgPlus.DisplayToast("Status Checker","Enabled");
                return '';
function OnGetScriptMenu(nLocation) {
    var oMenu = new ScriptMenu();
    with (oMenu) {
        AddItem('/pmtoggle', (allowed === 1 ? 'Disable' : 'Enable') );
        AddItem('/pmrotate', 'Rotate PM');
    return oMenu.ExportMenu();
function OnEvent_MenuClicked(sMenuId, nLocation, oChatWnd) { OnEvent_ChatWndSendMessage(0, sMenuId); }

04-30-2009 08:04 PM
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Dr Nick
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O.P. RE: Error: unknown (code: -2147418113)
Thanks guys...
I was planning on that in the near future :)

While we're at it, is there a way to keep all the PSM's stored in a file, in a way that under the scripts menu, you can open a dialogue which can be used to add/ remove PSM's of each type?

while(!success) { $try++; }
Windows 7 Ultimate (6.1.7000)
Windows Live Messenger 14.0.0206
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05-01-2009 06:21 AM
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Dr Nick
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O.P. RE: Error: unknown (code: -2147418113)
Made a few changes to the script - it wasn't working properly, so i fixed it :D
Javascript code:
var originalPSM='';
var originalPSM1='';
var idleSeconds=0;
var isIdle=0;
var isBusy=0;
var PSMnumber=0;
var PSM1number=0;
var PSMtype=1;
var seconds=3;
var allowed=1;
var aPSMArray = new Array();
            aPSMArray[1]='Tower: "Please report height and position?" - Pilot: "I\'m 5 foot 10 and sitting up front!';
            aPSMArray[2]='The owner of a \'91 Toyota Camry!';
            aPSMArray[3]='He who dies with the most toys wins!!!';
            aPSMArray[4]='You\'d Better Run, Egg!!!';
            aPSMArray[5]='<?php while(!success) { $try++; } ?>';
            aPSMArray[6]='There are 10 kinds of ppl in this world! One kind know binary, and the other doesn\'t';
            aPSMArray[7]='There is no "I" in team, but there is an "m" and an "e"!';
            aPSMArray[8]='Extension Maths is just like doing normal Maths..... TO THE EXTREME!!!';
            aPSMArray[9]='Never play leapfrog with a unicorn ;)';
            aPSMArray[10]='One day Wally should wear something different and really screw everyone up';
            aPSMArray[11]='Parental Controls: Settings used to controls ones parents activity on ones computer.';
            aPSMArray[12]='Part of being sane, is being a little bit crazy.';
            aPSMArray[13]='I have noticed that the people who are late are often so much jollier than the people who have to wait for them.';
            aPSMArray[14]='I believe whatever doesn\'t kill you simply makes you... stranger...';
            aPSMArray[15]='You haven\'t seen a tree until you\'ve seen its shadow from the sky';
            aPSMArray[16]='There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as if everything is.';
            aPSMArray[17]='Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional';
var bPSMArray = new Array();
            bPSMArray[1]='Nick Has 18% Of His (au) License';
            bPSMArray[2]='Nick Has 31.5% Of His (ap) License';
function OnEvent_Initialize(MessengerStart) {
    if (Messenger.MyStatus < STATUS_INVISIBLE) return false;
    MsgPlus.DisplayToast("Nick,","You're so awesome!");
    idleSeconds = 0;
    isIdle = false;
    isBusy = false;
    MsgPlus.AddTimer('rotate', seconds * 1000);
function OnEvent_SigninReady( sEmail ) { OnEvent_Initialize(); }
function updateMessage() {
    if(allowed==1) {
      if(PSMtype==1) {
        if (PSMnumber < 17) {
            originalPSM = aPSMArray[++PSMnumber];
            if(PSMnumber==17) {
      } else {
        if (PSM1number < 2) {
            originalPSM = bPSMArray[++PSM1number];
            if(PSM1number==2) {
    Messenger.MyPersonalMessage = originalPSM;
function OnEvent_MyStatusChange(NewStatus) {
    if(allowed==1) {
        if( NewStatus == 7 || NewStatus == 6 ) {
            Messenger.MyPersonalMessage = "Text/ ring me and I'll be back ASAP! 0hrs:0mins:0secs";
            MsgPlus.AddTimer( "incIdle", 1000 );
            MsgPlus.AddTimer( "updateDisplay", 6000 );
            isIdle = true;
            isBusy = false;
            MsgPlus.DisplayToast("Status Checker","Idle/Away State Activated");
        } else if(NewStatus == 4) {
            Messenger.MyPersonalMessage = "Text me! I'm in a full screen app and msngr alerts are off! :)";
            isBusy = true;
            isIdle = false;
            idleSeconds = 0;
            MsgPlus.DisplayToast("Status Checker","Busy State Activated");
        } else {
            isIdle = false;
            isBusy = false;
            idleSeconds = 0;
            MsgPlus.DisplayToast("Status Checker","Normal State Activated");
            MsgPlus.AddTimer('rotate', seconds * 1000);
function OnEvent_Timer(sTimerId) {
    if( isIdle == false && isBusy == false) {
        MsgPlus.AddTimer('rotate', seconds * 1000);
        return 0;
    } else if( sTimerId == "incIdle" ) {
        if(isIdle==true) {
            idleSeconds ++;
            MsgPlus.AddTimer( "incIdle", 1000 );
    else if( sTimerId == "updateDisplay" ) {
        if(isIdle==true) {
            var cIdleSeconds = idleSeconds;
            var idleHours = 0;
            var idleMinutes = 0;
            while( cIdleSeconds > 59 ) {
                cIdleSeconds -= 60;
                idleMinutes ++;
            while( idleMinutes > 59 ) {
                idleMinutes -= 60;
                idleHours ++;
            Messenger.MyPersonalMessage = "Text/ ring me and I'll be back ASAP! "+idleHours+"hrs:"+idleMinutes+"mins:"+cIdleSeconds+"secs";
            MsgPlus.AddTimer( "updateDisplay", 6000 );
function OnGetScriptCommands(){
    var oCommand = new Commands();
    with (oCommand) {
        AddCommand('pmrotate', 'Rotate your Personal Message');
        AddCommand('pmtoggle', (allowed === 1 ? 'Disable' : 'Enable')+' Automatic PM Changes');    }
    return oCommand.ExportCommands();  
function OnEvent_ChatWndSendMessage(oChatWnd, sMessage) {
    if (/^\/([^\s\/]+)\s*([\s\S]*)$/.exec(sMessage) !== null) {        
        var _command = RegExp.$1.toLowerCase();
        var _param = RegExp.$2;
        switch (_command) {
            case 'pmrotate':
            if ( _param !== '' ) {
                seconds = _param;
            } else {
            return '';
        case 'pmtoggle':
            if(allowed==1) {
                MsgPlus.DisplayToast("Status Checker","Disabled");
            } else if(allowed==0) {
                MsgPlus.DisplayToast("Status Checker","Enabled");
                return '';
function OnGetScriptMenu(nLocation) {
    var oMenu = new ScriptMenu();
    with (oMenu) {
        AddItem('/pmtoggle', (allowed === 1 ? 'Disable' : 'Enable') );
        AddItem('/pmrotate', 'Rotate PM');
    return oMenu.ExportMenu();
function OnEvent_MenuClicked(sMenuId, nLocation, oChatWnd) { OnEvent_ChatWndSendMessage(0, sMenuId); }

This post was edited on 05-01-2009 at 07:09 AM by Dr Nick.
while(!success) { $try++; }
Windows 7 Ultimate (6.1.7000)
Windows Live Messenger 14.0.0206
Messenger Plus! Live
05-01-2009 07:05 AM
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