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Avoid the new Live 2009 (version 14)??
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O.P. Avoid the new Live 2009 (version 14)??
Hey guys,

today I was foced to "upgrade" to this live messenger pile of shit. The whole thing is, to be frank and very rude, fucking shit. Chat windows need to be massive to accommodate the unnecessary 34870878756308476380% increase in display picture sizes, the chat windows seem to be coloured as other people want them to be, ie, girls have them pink, I'm a man, I don't want pink fucking windows. And frankly, the rest of it is shit too, everything has been bloated and it's uglier dog's arse.

So basically, I want to downgrade (even though it'll be a massive improvement) to an older version that it'll let me use ... are there any older version that it will still let me use? I can see my 13 year love affair with MSN coming to a very sudden end because this new version makes me want to dig my eyes out with a spoon.

Thanks for your help (Y)
11-07-2009 05:08 PM
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RE: Avoid the new Live 2009 (version 14)??
Check this out:


This post was edited on 11-08-2009 at 05:56 AM by tony.
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11-07-2009 05:15 PM
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O.P. RE: Avoid the new Live 2009 (version 14)??
Thanks a lot for that, certainly made me laugh:
bugs and security? Problematic for MS to improve it? Boo-hoo, had they not made this montrosity in the first place people wouldn't NEED to avoid it! Hopefully everyone will avoid it and then they'll ditch it due it being a pile of shit!

Will try to the reshack tool and see how it goes, just need to find a place to download msn 8.5 :/
you're an absolute star tony, thank you so much
11-07-2009 05:27 PM
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RE: Avoid the new Live 2009 (version 14)??
Just to save creating a new thread since the one linked to in this topic has been locked... I have followed the instructions in that topic, and have gotten WLM to work in version 8 through ResHacker, but Plus! refuses to work no matter what I do. I'm on XP, my friends who have successfully gotten this to work are on Vista.

Is there anything I need to do differently than said in the topic?
11-07-2009 10:27 PM
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RE: RE: Avoid the new Live 2009 (version 14)??
Originally posted by tony
Sure, link to an even buggier version of 8.5!!! It surely will increase the amount of posts on the forum of people complaining their contacts are dissapearing, or unable to add more contacts, and who knows what other problems.

If you want to link to 8.5 and cause people to have even more problems, at least link to the latest version instead of to a beta version.

Originally posted by yoinkster
Chat windows need to be massive to accommodate the unnecessary 34870878756308476380% increase in display picture sizes,
There is not much different in version 2009 for the chat windows than what you are used to, other than that the DPs are now shown on the left side.

Originally posted by yoinkster
the chat windows seem to be coloured as other people want them to be, ie, girls have them pink, I'm a man, I don't want pink fucking windows.
Then turn it off :rolleyes:
In a chat window: Tools > Use default scene.

Originally posted by yoinkster
Thanks a lot for that, certainly made me laugh:
bugs and security? Problematic for MS to improve it? Boo-hoo, had they not made this montrosity in the first place people wouldn't NEED to avoid it!
Errr... excuse me? Problematic? Sorry, but this "montrosity" as you call it is EXACTLY the fix for those bugs and security issues in the version you are using right now. There is nothing problematc about it. You make it problematic for insisting in using a buggy and insecure version.

Tricking Messenger so you can use the older version WILL cause you even MORE troubles in the long rong. Even more, it will also cause problems for OTHER people.

Originally posted by EriktheRed
Just to save creating a new thread since the one linked to in this topic has been locked... I have followed the instructions in that topic, and have gotten WLM to work in version 8 through ResHacker, but Plus! refuses to work no matter what I do. I'm on XP, my friends who have successfully gotten this to work are on Vista.

Is there anything I need to do differently than said in the topic?
Yes, UPGRADE to Windows Live Messenger 2009.


Sorry people, but you are bringing all these problems on to yourself!
Do NOT trick/hack Messenger; it WILL bring you more trouble.
Simply bite the bullet and upgrade. You will very quickly enjoy the new version.

Windows Live Messenger is NOT that bad. There are no features removed (except for a very very few which weren't used in previous versions that much anyways), and all the "bloat" you're talking about can also be turned off.

Also, I suggest to read this following pages. They explain _why_ the update is mandatory (because of a severe/critical security bug):

This post was edited on 11-13-2009 at 04:22 PM by CookieRevised.
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11-07-2009 11:12 PM
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RE: Avoid the new Live 2009 (version 14)??
Sharing folders are critical and have been removed. Backgrounds are critical to differentiating between conversations easily and almost all functionality has been removed. Changing the look for no reason but to alienate consumers was insane. All aspects of customizability are gone, except for a one-inch bar at the top.

Please either try to help, or get your facts straight before you troll.
11-07-2009 11:28 PM
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RE: Avoid the new Live 2009 (version 14)??
Microsoft Bob was critical to me, but I moved on.
Finish the problem
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11-07-2009 11:37 PM
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RE: Avoid the new Live 2009 (version 14)??
Originally posted by EriktheRed
Sharing folders are critical and have been removed.
They have been replaced by the much safer, much stabler and much more versatile SkyDrive. You don't even have to be online anymore to share files, and you can share files with more than one contact without the need to have multiple copies of a file, etc, etc...

Of course, it is 'different' and you need to get used to something new, but SkyDrive is like 1000 times better. And believe me when I say that I know what I'm talking about as I used Sharing Folders extremely intensivly and was a bit sceptical at first too.

Originally posted by EriktheRed
Backgrounds are critical to differentiating between conversations easily and almost all functionality has been removed.
Backgrounds are not removed. They are still there: Tools > Backgrounds...
The only difference is that they don't colorize the entire chat window anymore because of the new scenes features (which you can use to colorize the chat windows even further if you want).

You sure can still differentiate between chat windows/individual contacts using the current Backgrounds feature.

Originally posted by EriktheRed
Changing the look for no reason but to alienate consumers was insane. All aspects of customizability are gone, except for a one-inch bar at the top.
Sorry but you can change the look far more than you could in previous versions.
(and then there are also skins in case you're also using Messenger Plus!)

At least take a minute to browse the menus and options of the new version instead of immediatly complaining and/or copying what other people say (who didn't took the time to at least check things out either).

Originally posted by EriktheRed
Please either try to help, or get your facts straight before you troll.
I think it is someone else who is trolling, EriktheRed.

The stuff I say ARE facts. You can check everything I said yourself if you just do some effort instead of complaining and accusing me for being a troll.

And sure, I don't post what you want to hear. But posting what people want to hear is never "helping". Helping is trying to solve the issues people have in a _proper_ way. And yes, sometimes that means saying stuff which people do not want to hear.

The proper way of helping you guys is giving the advise to upgrade, weither you like it or not.

If you actually follow our advise and upgrade, you won't need to come back later to ask why you can't sign in anymore, why you sometimes get a login error, why your contacts aren't syncronized, why you can't add a contact, etc....

And, eventually, you will need to upgrade anyways because there will come a time that you wont even be able to log in with those older versions, eventhough you tricked/hacked them.

This post was edited on 11-08-2009 at 12:00 AM by CookieRevised.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.
11-07-2009 11:42 PM
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RE: Avoid the new Live 2009 (version 14)??
I'd like to think that a mere graphical thing like Microsoft Bob is a bit different from a functional feature. Nice strawman argument.

I did use MSN 2009 before deciding to return to a more user-friendly version. I did do the effort. Please don't make assumptions. I was not satisfied with the reskinning options available through Plus!. I browsed through the entire options menu over a dozen times trying to make it bearable. I did not state that backgrounds were removed; I said almost all of their functionality has been removed. The fact that the majority of the chat window does not have the background makes using them simply jarring.

I will concede the point about sharing folders, as WLM did a poor job of informing me about their replacement, SkyDrive. I don't see how it could be safer, however.

And I think I'll know better than to ask on the Plus! forums about any problems concerning something that isn't Plus!. This isn't the official WLM forums, and it's quite obvious. I only asked about Plus!, and plan to keep it that way.

Does anyone have a solution, or not? That's all I've asked, and the sooner someone can help me the sooner I can be on my way. I didn't realize this was such a controversy.
11-08-2009 12:11 AM
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RE: Avoid the new Live 2009 (version 14)??
There is on "controversy".  The solution to your problem is to upgrade to Windows Live Messenger 2009.  That's the plain and simple truth of it.

And to answer your question SkyDrive is safer as it doesn't rely on the files being shared between two computers, they are stored on a reliable server that will be backed up
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11-08-2009 12:17 AM
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