This thread is for the long time members who could never figure out from the official documentation how to use chunks. And after spending sometime with Patchou this week in Montreal and complaining to him that the schema validates fine but it still doesn't work he took a look.
As it turns out the information schema was inaccurate.
Download the interface tester and save the following code to an xml file and try and load it. Once I finish bugging Patchou to fix something else in the schema I will post it.
Until then
XML code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
<Interfaces xmlns="urn:msgplus:interface"
xsi:schemaLocation="urn:msgplus:interface PlusInterface.xsd">
<GlobalColor Id="ref">
<Window Id="Test" Version="1">
<Position Width="354" Height="250" />
<DialogTmpl />
<Element xsi:type="FigureElement" Id="Fig1">
<Position Top="0" Left="0" />
<PathChunk xsi:type="ArcChunk">
<PathChunk xsi:type="LineChunk">
<PathChunk xsi:type="BezierChunk">