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deleting and re-adding
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O.P. deleting and re-adding
so.. in msn 2011, if i delete someone from my contacts list and then re-add them, do they get a request again or do I just get to add them automatically, seeing as they had already accepted my original request?
My other question is, since i deleted that person, can they still see me online, now that we can no longer block people on this version of msn?
thanks for the help in advance!
05-26-2011 10:27 PM
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RE: deleting and re-adding
i have the same question.. bump
05-31-2011 04:57 PM
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RE: deleting and re-adding
You no longer get requests when people add you. This is to prevent the spam of hundreds of windows popping up when you are added by bots.

If you delete them without blocking them of course they can because you are still on their list. You cannot remove yourself from someone's list. When you delete someone it gives you the option to delete and block and report as spam.

Currently you can only appear offline to people (similar to blocking; except you can still carry on a conversation).

This post was edited on 05-31-2011 at 05:16 PM by matty.
05-31-2011 05:16 PM
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RE: deleting and re-adding
so.. in msn 2011, if i delete someone from my contacts list and then re-add them, do they get a request again or do I just get to add them automatically, seeing as they had already accepted my original request?

So what is the answer to this question please?

I deleted a contact in messenger and re-added them. Did they get an invite again or what?

I really need the answer to this please :wave:
Dilly xx
05-31-2011 07:52 PM
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RE: deleting and re-adding
Originally posted by Dilly
So what is the answer to this question please?
They won't get a request because you no longer get requests at all (i.e. regardless of whether you've added them before or not).

Originally posted by matty
Currently you can only appear offline to people (similar to blocking; except you can still carry on a conversation).
Not exactly though, since surely only the other contact can send you messages - you can't send them anything if you're appearing offline to them...
06-02-2011 09:55 AM
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RE: RE: deleting and re-adding
Originally posted by whiz
Originally posted by Dilly
So what is the answer to this question please?
They won't get a request because you no longer get requests at all (i.e. regardless of whether you've added them before or not).

Originally posted by matty
Currently you can only appear offline to people (similar to blocking; except you can still carry on a conversation).
Not exactly though, since surely only the other contact can send you messages - you can't send them anything if you're appearing offline to them...

I don't understand *-) If invites are not sent anymore, how does one become friends with someone on messenger? does it happen automatically and then the person blocks you if they don't want to be friends. How do I know if someone I deleted and the re- added wants to be friends again? This is all very confusing *-)

This post was edited on 06-02-2011 at 11:22 AM by Dilly.
Dilly xx
06-02-2011 10:02 AM
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RE: deleting and re-adding
From what I heard, both contacts must invite each other, after which they automatically become friends.

However, I added my test account on one of my others, and after a few minutes, the test account contact list showed "you have 1 invitation", so I'm not sure if the method differs in Messenger versions (I tested it with both accounts using WLM 2011)...
06-03-2011 03:47 PM
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RE: deleting and re-adding
It is not entirely correct to say that you don't get invites anymore or that they don't exist anymore though. You wont get those popups in your face anymore like it used to be, but invites are still used and registered. But, the confusing part is that it also depends on your Windows Live profile privacy settings.

Eg: if you have opened up your profile to everyone, chances are you wont get an invite in that case since you have pre-approved any invitation in that way...... or something like that.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.
06-07-2011 04:24 PM
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