"Not In List" ? - Printable Version
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"Not In List" ? by FightCat on 02-07-2010 at 12:20 PM
Especially as for comparably recently added contacts of mine (generally those that I add in the first place and are accepted), my MSN contact is listed as "Not In Their List".
Yes of course one can have the way of being able receive messages from you while not having you on your list. But one of those recently added and "not-in-her-list" contacts of mine started a conversation by herself.
If I'm not in her list, how come she can start a conversation ?
The same thing goes for Messenger Discovery plugin in as well. MSN itself does not show the concerning contacts as "not having added mine" and so copies Messenger Plus! and Msn Discovery, I guess.
Is there something I may be missing ?
Thanks in advance.
RE: "Not In List" ? by djdannyp on 02-07-2010 at 12:24 PM
It is worth bearing in mind that at present there are MANY problems with that data due to it failing to sychronise with the Messenger servers and as such the data is NOT reliable and should definitely not be used to accuse someone of deleting you! If they are able to start a conversation with you (without you having messed them since they signed in) then you ARE on their contact list and at present that is the only reliable indicator.
quote: Originally posted by blessedguy
Please read any of those
Contact Information "You are not in this contact's list"
Reverse list
Cant see who has deleted from their list?
Contact List Cleaner
Contact list Clean-up problem
Clean up Concact
Contact List CLEAN UP WTF?
Does "Contact list clean up" really work/show right information?
To name a few 
RE: "Not In List" ? by FightCat on 02-07-2010 at 02:34 PM
Thanks so much for elaboration.