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Startupmonitor issue
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O.P. Startupmonitor issue
Having just installed plus for the first time, I am now alerted each time I boot the pc by startupmonitor that"C:\Program Files\MSN Messenger\msnmsgr.exe" /background" wishes to add itself to my startup list. Even though it is allowed, next boot I am again asked. I assume plus is now launching messenger with a new command each time. Is there away to stop this annoyance which spoils an otherwise superb program.
09-29-2004 11:03 AM
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RE: Startupmonitor issue
There is nothing new or abnormal about it, this has always been the case...

  • When you select "Automatically run Messenger when I log on to Windows" in Messenger, it adds a key to the registry:
       for MSN Messenger:
       => msnmsgr := "C:\Program Files\MSN Messenger\msnmsgr.exe" /background
       for Windows Messenger:
       => MSMSGS := "C:\Program Files\Messenger\msmsgs.exe" /background
    This will make Messenger start up when you start up Windows...
    (note: this key is added each time Messenger starts up.***)

  • Also, when you've selected that "autorun"-option in Messenger, then Plus! will delete those "msnmsgr"/"MSMSGS"-keys again and add its own key there when Messenger is closed:
       => MessengerPlus3 := "C:\Program Files\Messenger Plus! 3\MsgPlus.exe" /WinStart
    This will make Plus! start up instead when you start up Windows...
    (note: this key is added/replaced each time the process of Messenger ends (and Plus! is still running of course).***)

  • To know where Windows Messenger or MSN Messenger is, Plus! adds also another key in the registry. And depening on what it originally was in the registry RUN-section, it is:
      for Messenger version >= 5 (MSN Messenger):
      => AutoMsg5Start := "C:\Program Files\MSN Messenger\msnmsgr.exe /background"
      for Messenger version < 5 (Windows Messenger):
      => AutoMsg4Start := "C:\Program Files\Messenger\msmsgs.exe"

  • Note 1: The paths can differ from the paths on your computer of course.

    Note 2: The parameter /background makes that Messenger is started up/run in the background.

    Note 3: The parameter /WinStart makes that Messenger Plus! initializes first (like always) and then that it automatically starts up Messenger itself and hooks it. If you don't use /WinStart, then Plus! wont start Messenger automatically. But in that case and due to the way that Windows handles the startup items, there is no way in making sure that Plus! is started before Messenger.
    In many situations this isn't really a problem because most startup processes don't take long and Plus! will have enough time to hook into Messenger, even when it is started up after Messenger. But this is only true if there is a fraction of time between the two processes starting up, otherwise Plus! will give a "timeout" in the form of the recovery window.

    *** because of this beheviour, you'll get a popup with a tool like StartupMonitor each time that Messenger starts (like every time you log into Windows) because it can't find its key in to run-section (because plus! replaced it) and adds it again. And you'll get also a popup each time that Messenger quits because then Plus! removes the entry again...

Note that this is only for experienced users who are familiar with the registry.

Given all this, there is a workaround to this problem. The exact things you have to do:
  • in Messenger, untick "Automatically run Messenger when I log on to Windows".

  • Make sure that Messenger doesn't have any registry startup entries in the RUN-sections:

  • Then make sure Plus! has a registry entry:
    => MessengerPlus3 := "C:\Program Files\Messenger Plus! 3\MsgPlus.exe" /WinStart
    Make sure that the path "C:\Program Files\Messenger Plus! 3\" is correct for your Messenger Plus!. If not, adapt it to the correct path.

  • But also, you need to manually add another registry key here:

    for MSN Messenger:
    => AutoMsg5Start := "C:\Program Files\MSN Messenger\msnmsgr.exe /background"
    Make sure that the path "C:\Program Files\MSN Messenger\" is correct for your MSN Messenger. If not, adapt it to the correct path.

    or for Windows Messenger:
    => AutoMsg4Start := "C:\Program Files\Messenger\msmsgs.exe"
    Make sure that the path "C:\Program Files\Messenger\" is correct for your Windows Messenger. If not, adapt it to the correct path.
In that way, Nothing will be changed anymore in the registry (as long as you leave "Automatically run Messenger when I log on to Windows" unticked!) and Plus! and Messenger will start up in the correct way when you restart Windows. Because nothing will be changed anymore in the Run section of the registry, startup monitors will not popup a warning anymore....


This post was edited on 09-29-2004 at 06:29 PM by CookieRevised.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.
09-29-2004 11:22 AM
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O.P. RE: Startupmonitor issue
Thanks for the comprehensive reply CookieRevised.

(given this, there is a workaround to this problem: just unselect the "autostartup"-option in Messenger and leave the Plus! entry (with /WinStart) in the run-section...)

This does not result in the launch of messenger automatically. Having read the other threads you linked to, adding a shortcut to the messenger program in the startup folder resolves the situation. Time will tell if this causes a problem with the order of loading and plus!

Thanks again
09-29-2004 01:27 PM
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RE: Startupmonitor issue
oopsy, my fault... I forgot to tell you something...

Plus! doesn't know where msn messenger is, so it isn't started up automaticly. Thus you need to tell it where it is, because otherwise it can't find it.

I have totaly rewritten my previous post, I hope it is more clear now. Check it out again ;)

This post was edited on 09-29-2004 at 04:05 PM by CookieRevised.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.
09-29-2004 03:01 PM
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O.P. RE: Startupmonitor issue
Thanks for the revision and precise instructions. Works a treat!
09-29-2004 07:22 PM
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