Originally posted by Choli
I know, but it is possible write a program that handles unicode files (my translator does )
Yeah, i read a lot about your program and i decided that i'll try .NET instead of APIs....
Originally posted by Choli
Text1.SelStart = 2
Text1.SelLength = 2
I'm like
... i spent 2 hours looking for such an expression in MSDN library, with no result... that's when i decided to use .NET. I believed SetFocus is only useful to give a control focus, and the library did not mention that it had a very useful another use...
But at least i'm slightly experienced in .NET now, too
Originally posted by Patchou
Quick note about VB: Visual Basic works entirely in Unicode internally.
... however with common expressions or using FSO it does not like opening unicode files. there is a ANSI->Unicode conversion function StrConv, and with it i could kick it to life, but the scrolling problem still remained.
Now i see that it was not VB6 that lacked ability, but me
I'll try and make some filters to add some intelligence to the app.
Thanks for all the help!