Originally posted by mzlalii
actually i dont think i have MS Shell Dlg and MS Shell Dlg 2 so ill try to install it and see if it works and my DPI settings r set 2 normal
you can't install MS Shell Dlg and MS Shell Dlg 2. They aren't real physical fonts. They are font mappings.
MS Shell Dlg and MS Shell Dlg 2 are special names which a programmer can use instead of a real font name. When MS Shell Dlg or MS Shell Dlg 2 are used instead of a real font name, the actual font being used in the end will be determined by the Windows OS and it will be the default system font for that particular Windows OS.
This is why programs all look the same. Because otherwise you would need to ask all other programmers "hey, what font did you use?", "oh I used Arial", "what? no, I used Comic Sans", "damn, my user doesn't have that font, what should I do?", etc... And you will end up with a chaos of all kinds of different fonts being used in programs.