RE: Tabbed chat window can't stay minimized "deal with it?" it's terrible annoying! :S at least one option to turn it on or off it's even worst when you're in a lapton and take a few seconds to minimize it again a lot of times. Windows Vista Ultimate Service Pack 1 (6.0.6001) Windows Live...
RE: Request: Encription all the way! commercial product.. hum.. isn't possible to have it in Plus! I requested it for Plus! because A LOT of people use it.. it would be easier to have a global encripted chat..
Request: Encription all the way! Hi.. I been using Plus! for a long time.. But... In Portugal Big Brother is growing very very vey very fast and I and all my friends start to worry about our privacy. So: It's cool some kind of encription on chat conversations and on file transfers....
RE: Messenger 6 compatibility - hear it! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee i was sad because there's no plus for msn6.. but now... MSN PLUS! IS OUT THERE! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEE great job patchou :)