What happened to the Messenger Plus! forums on msghelp.net?
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RE: Extra settings for advanced users
Just talked to Patchou: [quote][b]Jae says:[/b] dude.. your site is very slow / down again [b]Patchou says:[/b] hahaha... I know..... it receives 120 requests per minute and it's far from finish... it's every people with older version of MP2 who...
MenthixArchive02-20-2003 at 01:41 PM
RE: MsgPlus Slogan
For the t-shirts: Messenger Plus!, it just feels so naked without it :D
MenthixGeneral Chit Chat02-20-2003 at 10:28 AM
RE: Post your computer
Yeah :X
MenthixGeneral Chit Chat02-16-2003 at 07:39 PM
RE: Messenger Plus! Community IRC Channel
Jae agrees with Sock..... his ones is better.... the webchat is nicer... and.... THERE ARE MORE PEOPLE !
MenthixForum & Website02-16-2003 at 07:32 PM
RE: Post your computer
So true, so true, i hate this place :S Anywayz, this is getting off-topic.... Patchou! i'd like to see some pictures of your pc/where you develop MP2 on :)
MenthixGeneral Chit Chat02-16-2003 at 06:17 PM
RE: Post your computer
Oftewel: Als ik mijn fiets bij het station of wat voor rede dan ook niet in het fietsenrek zet, dan halen ze um gewoon weg :S en dan moet je belle en kan je um voor *17* euro weer ophalen... bastards!! Ok.... jae knows the rules.... English from now...
MenthixGeneral Chit Chat02-16-2003 at 02:50 PM
RE: Post your computer
[b]WARNING FOR PEOPLE WITH SLOW INTERNET ACCESS: THIS MAY TAKE A WHILE TO LOAD![/b] [img]http://www.xs4all.nl/~mail2jae/DSCF0008.JPG[/ img] [b]SERVER & KICK-ASS SUBWOOFER[/b] - 633MHz Celeron - 512Mb RAM - Some asus mainboard - *NO* cdrom/floppy/dvd/z...
MenthixGeneral Chit Chat02-16-2003 at 01:58 PM
RE: Legality of Messenger Plus!
Only one way to really find out: Read the latest MSN Messenger and Windows Messnger EULA's And visit http://www.microsoft.com/legal/ ... read everything :) Probaly need a lawyer to understand everything :P But the truth is out there
MenthixGeneral Chit Chat02-07-2003 at 11:34 AM
RE: Scripting - contribute to patchou.com
Patchou... sended you a PM, got a friend who can make the code for you... just mail the details :)
MenthixGeneral Chit Chat02-07-2003 at 11:30 AM
RE: NEW VERSION (february 2003) - download now!
If you mean that users can install Plus! without noticing you're using it (like: no Plus! Menu). No, this will NEVER be added... Plus! is not intended to be spyware or a keylogger, so don't even think of using it for that purpose.
MenthixArchive02-04-2003 at 05:13 PM
RE: NEW VERSION (february 2003) - download now!
Done that now, new link: http://www.xs4all.nl/~mail2jae/MsgPlus.exe (still dutch server/same lacation, just changed the caps)
MenthixArchive02-03-2003 at 04:10 PM
RE: NEW VERSION (february 2003) - download now!
Just posted the news to mess.be.... ...I really hope Jhonny believes me now :P (no hard feelings against him, and don't worry, i'm not gonna flood mess.be or any, if i wanted that i could have done it weeks before).
MenthixArchive02-02-2003 at 09:03 PM
RE: NEW VERSION (february 2003) - download now!
Just downloaded.... I have no problems installing it either. musicalmidget, try downloading it again, pick one of the mirrors listed here, that might work to. /me has his own 2.01 mirror, hosted at high speed from the Netherlands: http://www.xs4all.n...
MenthixArchive02-02-2003 at 08:50 PM
RE: Chrono's Birthday
THIS board might not even be a year old, but there were two boards before this one :refuck:
MenthixGeneral Chit Chat02-02-2003 at 07:49 PM
RE: Want to be happy?
Yur kidding right!? Don't you ever read Muss' posts?
MenthixArchive02-02-2003 at 07:40 PM
RE: Want to be happy?
1o2w3w 4t5h6a7t 8m9ak11e12s 13m14e s15o 0h1a2p3p4y :)
MenthixArchive02-02-2003 at 07:34 PM
RE: patchou.com - new version - help!
So.... Auto-Update stays living for now? Is that right? Wheeeeeee :)
MenthixArchive01-31-2003 at 03:10 PM
RE: Remember when...
That would costs us money.... ...too expensive...... ....we ai'nt got moaney MyBBoard is hostinng for us for free domain name for free software for free support for free really, we have no reason at all to change anything about it :) MyBBoard kicks ...
MenthixGeneral Chit Chat01-31-2003 at 12:51 AM
RE: patchou.com - new version - help!
Yeah, i gues so too..... Patchou?
MenthixArchive01-30-2003 at 07:05 PM
RE: patchou.com - new version - help!
Reading WDZ's reply.... hmmmmm..... that 5 minute interval is the main problem? I see.... Yeah, that definitly needs to be fixed.... why not change it to something like: If it can't connect to the server: Let it retry in an randomly choosen amount ...
MenthixArchive01-29-2003 at 02:17 AM
RE: patchou.com - new version - help!
That sounds like a good solution, but are you SURE it will handle THAT many connections? Anyway, if it would get to much you could always temponary shutdown the Plus! forum temponary, just as long as needed for people to upgrade.... in 2 or 3 days th...
MenthixArchive01-29-2003 at 01:08 AM
RE: Remember when...
Hehe, also remember how i promised myself and everybody else to NEVER make Muss forum crew... ....I guss Muss should be very happy i'm not admin here anymore :refuck:
MenthixGeneral Chit Chat01-14-2003 at 05:06 PM
RE: Remember when...
Ow man, reading this thread is realy fun, brings back the old times.... /me remember lot's-o-things -- Patchou's first MsgPlus site that only had a link to the download and something like "More content will be added later" -- Patchou's second si...
MenthixGeneral Chit Chat01-13-2003 at 10:57 PM
RE: [Messed by Johnny_Mac]
Ow..... so i can msn my news to Johnny to now??? Lol.... i've been reporsting Plus! related news to mess.be for almost a year now, never thought of posting it directly :) Anyway, Johnny.. congratz man!.... I'll be MSNing my news to either Dwergs OR...
MenthixGeneral Chit Chat01-05-2003 at 08:33 PM
RE: NEWS about Messenger 5 and Windows XP
:bow: Patchou :bow:
MenthixArchive12-30-2002 at 10:56 AM
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