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RE: IE problem :(
if you are not an ie7 beta tester than you should not be using the software, and nobody here can really help you. if you are a bete tester then you should have the resources to find what the problem is or you should be reporting a bug.
lizard.boyTech Talk11-18-2005 at 02:34 AM
RE: Ganna grow some Hemp not M.J
i live in an ex-growhouse. i warn you that hemp plants get huge and require alot of light and watering.
lizard.boyGeneral Chit Chat11-17-2005 at 04:11 AM
RE: Stop Calling it FF
Mozilla Firesomthing anyone? https://addons.mozilla.org/extensions/moreinfo.php ?id=31
lizard.boyTech Talk11-16-2005 at 11:13 PM
RE: Drivers for MDG ...
google your motherboard, ethernet card, video card, all seperatly.
lizard.boyTech Talk11-14-2005 at 05:32 AM
RE: Wireless mouse
i went to wal-mart and picked up a all-black mousepad for dirty cheap. it was worth it cause the mice dont like my wood grain on my desk and make random jumping movements.
lizard.boyTech Talk11-13-2005 at 09:33 PM
RE: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
i wouldnt really like it if they replaced the actors. its just not the same. you'll start having people who like the new actors better but its just not the same, and since this is a big series youd get debaits and rumors over whos the new ___ just l...
lizard.boyGeneral Chit Chat11-12-2005 at 05:03 PM
RE: AMD or Intel
i just dont like intel's brand at all. i find most of their stuff has bad drivers, and their processors are not as efficiant as lower clocked amds but my opinion is biased cause i'm admittadly an amd fanboy.
lizard.boyTech Talk11-11-2005 at 04:39 AM
RE: XBOX360... will it be the next Dreamcast?
pfft. the predecessor of the dreamcast (the sega saturn) wasnt that bad. mines still in working condition.. and even gets its share of playing. (even if its only 4 or 5 games.)
lizard.boyTech Talk11-10-2005 at 10:48 PM
RE: Let's collect receipes, tips, links... about cooking
to go with what traxor said with rice, i really enjoy eating cooked rice with bar-b-que sauce on it. if you like spice, you can do what my dad does and put caribian jerk sauce on it. [url=http://www.presidentschoice.ca/FoodAndRecipes /GreatFood/Produc...
lizard.boyGeneral Chit Chat11-08-2005 at 12:55 AM
RE: Hooking up the TV to my laptop
[url=http://www.cdrinfo.com/Sections/Reviews/Speci fic.aspx?ArticleId=7664&PageId=6]Some reading[/url] personally i have never found a dvdplayer/dvd-rom/ps2 that will read only dvd+R, and i think the only execption to that would be the xbox.
lizard.boyTech Talk11-07-2005 at 05:57 PM
RE: Hooking up the TV to my laptop
you would have a better sucess rate burning any sort of video to a dvd -r opposed to a +r.
lizard.boyTech Talk11-07-2005 at 05:45 PM
RE: ADSL Requirements?
you can usually use any speed connection with any computer. slower computers may not take full advantage of the available speed though.
lizard.boyTech Talk11-07-2005 at 01:32 AM
RE: Your most horrible memory in a medical examination
the thing i hate the most is when i went for an allergy test, they turn over like 25-30 jars of stuff on your arm then prick each droplet with this sharp peice of metal and see if any of the things make the arm swell.
lizard.boyGeneral Chit Chat11-06-2005 at 03:56 PM
RE: IS it real? MSN Messenger 8.0b (sign in patch)
hehehe. patchou's probably gonna have a fun time with the new build, and compatability.
lizard.boySkype & Live Messenger11-03-2005 at 02:51 AM
RE: My Received Files
download xp folders from http://foood.net
lizard.boyTech Talk11-02-2005 at 03:23 AM
RE: Windows Live Messenger (New official name for MSN Messenger 8.0)
i think its stupid, but hey. its microsoft's [s]monopoly[/s] product.. let them do as they choose.
lizard.boySkype & Live Messenger11-01-2005 at 08:31 PM
RE: Your Halloween Pumpkins
[img]http://shoutbox.menthix.net/attachment.php?pi d=559099[/img]
lizard.boyGeneral Chit Chat11-01-2005 at 12:45 AM
RE: what's your costume
our house has been egged a few times, before we bought it it was owned by druggies who grew pot in the basement, and i really dont think anybody liked them. (it wasnt just a hobby.. it was a full out growhouse)
lizard.boyGeneral Chit Chat10-31-2005 at 09:46 PM
RE: what would you do? (hallowen)
w00t. go canada and our overly-american culture :dodgy: i just carve a pumpkin or two and then sit around for the rest of the night.
lizard.boyGeneral Chit Chat10-31-2005 at 03:22 AM
RE: Your Halloween Pumpkins
what i did was i used a flat ice cream scoop thinger we had and scraped it quickly.. wasnt hard actually. it was kinda fun :D
lizard.boyGeneral Chit Chat10-31-2005 at 02:21 AM
RE: Your Halloween Pumpkins
i'll post mine tomorrow.. i could swear your supposed to take the gooey stuff out before you carved them :P
lizard.boyGeneral Chit Chat10-31-2005 at 01:13 AM
RE: Stupid Screens!
buy your self a good surge protector, or possibly a uninterruptable powersupply (ups) with a surge protector, and make sure your power supply is a good one.
lizard.boyTech Talk10-29-2005 at 11:39 PM
your probably better going out and buying a mac mini or something.. cause mac osx was never intended for anything other than mac hardware, and is really hard to get working on an intel chip.
lizard.boyTech Talk10-29-2005 at 05:01 PM
RE: Hebrew and Norwegian, back in the setup
O_o wow. how much bandwidth does it take to run the sounds server? its gotta be some crazy amount. and i cant wait to see what you mean by goodies :D. keep up the good work.
lizard.boyArchive10-29-2005 at 02:38 PM
RE: setting gmail as default
if you install gmail notifyer from google it has an option to set gmail as your defualt email whenever you clikc on mailto links and stuff.
lizard.boyTech Talk10-29-2005 at 02:22 PM
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