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Shoutbox » MsgHelp Archive » General » General Chit Chat » Poll Center » Do you read the T's and C's

Do you read the ''terms and conditions'' when installing a program?
No, its a waste of time.
bridport_james, duck!, Eljay, foaly, Fuse, haydos, Jimbo, Kenji, kezz, LoochTheMan, Mnjul, Nagamasa, NaMe, paperless, Ptoye, rav0, Rolando, Tasha, themaster.josh, Thor, x2zen, xJ +
22 62.86%
Yes, of course!
ayjay, CookieRevised, MeEtc, pollolibredegrasa, somelauw, Spunky, Vilkku, WDZ
8 22.86%
I have never installed a program :(
1 2.86%
What the hell.....
*Saint*, joey, Nefzen, Supersonicdarky
4 11.43%
Total: 35 votes 100%