What happened to the Messenger Plus! forums on msghelp.net?
Shoutbox » MsgHelp Archive » General » General Chit Chat » Poll Center » Give Patchou a break

Give Patch A Break
azn angel, bach_m, Blair, DJeX, EGIS, Eljay, Ezra, frankiedaman, froggyfluff, Garndell, ipab, Kafman, Luthion, marissa, Mike, Pr0xY, Rian, Rubber Stamp, sparkymcg, toddy, unchainedzulu, user27089, Varish, Weyzza, ^_^
25 89.29%
0 0%
Why do i care, I want a new plus! and i don't think about anybody else...
Fredzz, mad_onion, Stigmata
3 10.71%
Total: 28 votes 100%