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Shoutbox » MsgHelp Archive » General » General Chit Chat » Poll Center » Videogame console

What videogame system(s) do you have?
Anubis, auhsor, big_bill229, blackjack, ddunk, dotNorma, EGIS, Eljay, Ezra, GoD, Historically, Johnny_Mac, Jutx, lopardo, michaelruffner2, Mike, Mnjul, Moo, musicalmidget, paperless, Pr0xY, Pure_BY, Purity, Pyroteq, rav0, Raven89, sasquatch, TGG, Titty, Tochjo, toddy, trini, Uchuujin-san, user27089, Weyzza, _Humphreys
36 25.35%
big_bill229, Ezra, GoD, Historically, Johnny_Mac, Jutx, michaelruffner2, paperless, Pr0xY, Pyroteq, toddy
11 7.75%
Playstation 2
Anubis, big_bill229, ddunk, Eljay, GoD, Historically, Jimcando, Johnny_Mac, Jutx, Pr0xY, Pyroteq, rav0, Titty, toddy, Uchuujin-san, _Humphreys
16 11.27%
big_bill229, Mike, Moo, Pipish, Purity, Pyroteq, Raven89, user27089
8 5.63%
auhsor, ddunk, dotNorma, EGIS, Ezra, GoD, Historically, Jimcando, michaelruffner2, TGG, Twan, TylerG
12 8.45%
Anubis, auhsor, big_bill229, blackjack, ddunk, dotNorma, Ezra, GoD, Johnny_Mac, michaelruffner2, Moo, Pr0xY, Titty, toddy, TylerG
15 10.56%
Historically, Moo
2 1.41%
Gameboy (any)
Anubis, ddunk, dotNorma, EGIS, Eljay, Ezra, GoD, Historically, Jutx, michaelruffner2, Mike, Moo, paperless, Pr0xY, Pyroteq, rav0, sasquatch, TGG, Titty, toddy, TylerG
21 14.79%
big_bill229, ddunk, Ezra, Fergy, GoD, Moo, Pr0xY, Pyroteq, toddy, TylerG, Weyzza
11 7.75%
big_bill229, ddunk, dotNorma, Ezra, Jutx, michaelruffner2, Pr0xY, rav0, toddy, TylerG
10 7.04%
Total: 142 votes 100%