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MSN Contact List Updating?
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RE: MSN Contact List Updating?
well actually i wanted to explain on how to "synchronise" your proxy (using the TrID etc) but since you know alll these stuff it's unnecessary. Anyone who wants to make a trojan couldn't take all the hassle to learn the protocol just for that.
07-11-2004 08:58 AM
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O.P. RE: MSN Contact List Updating?
ok.. explain about the SYN command... the one that you can only use once... :(... yeah, I know it could be maybe for a trojan... :D.. hehe... but I learned the protocol 2 years ago, but I kinda fell of the track, so i've skipped since they came with msn 6, I think that's gonna be MSNP9 and MSNP10, or something like that... :D:D.... but now i'm trying to get back and found lots of things MS changed.... :(...
07-11-2004 09:03 AM
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RE: MSN Contact List Updating?
Wont your method LAG the msn servers A LOT if more people are gonna use it????? :dodgy:

Originally posted by (CyBeRDuDe)
I would rather not make a program that requires to patch msn messenger(which is illegal)
Btw, tampering with the protocol and creating such stuff is also illegal unless you bought a license todo so ;) (just a friendly reminder)

This post was edited on 07-11-2004 at 09:41 AM by CookieRevised.
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07-11-2004 09:40 AM
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RE: MSN Contact List Updating?
Originally posted by (CyBeRDuDe)
Yes it is possible... don't worry, i've already figured out how to do it... :D:P.... I've been experimenting a bit... but it won't be possible to do it the right way, the way i'm doing it, is that you have like 1-5 lists, each containing a max of 150 contacts, and then when you chose ex. list 2, you will get all the status's and nicks of all the contacts in that list, but you won't recieve any information about the contacts in the other lists, and then when you shift back to list 1 again, the list will be update with the current nicks and status's of that list... if you get it?.... :D... it works, but it would mean that you would have to use "an external" list viewer to view these contacts instead of using the ordinary msn messenger list, and this will also mean that you will loose the msn plus! plugin menu and stuff like that, but I might researh in this a litle later making it possible to do exactly the same as the original msn messenger.... but we'll see how it works out...
the idea is good, but i don't understand why plus won't work... blah! :P why don't you make a plugin of plus? if you use the messenger object, you can add/remove people from the contact list (can't you?) and that would make messenger update its contact list... not sure, tho.

Originally posted by CookieRevised
Wont your method LAG the msn servers A LOT if more people are gonna use it?????
that's a good point, you're right. However if that happens, wouldn't maybe M$ think about allowing more than 150 contacts?
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07-11-2004 12:17 PM
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RE: MSN Contact List Updating?
Originally posted by Choli

the idea is good, but i don't understand why plus won't work... blah! why don't you make a plugin of plus? if you use the messenger object, you can add/remove people from the contact list (can't you?) and that would make messenger update its contact list... not sure, tho.
why make a plus plugin if not using a plugin gives you more freedom? Why use the library if you have a proxy?
07-11-2004 12:28 PM
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O.P. RE: MSN Contact List Updating?
Originally posted by Millenium_edition

why make a plus plugin if not using a plugin gives you more freedom? Why use the library if you have a proxy?

YEAH!!! That's exactly why i'm doing this!! :D:D:P...

Originally posted by CookieRevised
Wont your method LAG the msn servers A LOT if more people are gonna use it?????

Hehe.. might be right about that, but then those "#¤%!" M$ can just make us able to have a bigger contact list, that is some ****** up bull**** that they limited to 150... that's just so far out!!!!.... yes I know it will cost them to have bigger servers and stuff, but they have the best IM yet created, and they also have the biggest expaning number of users, why have this limited to 150???? I don't get that.... :D:D....

Originally posted by CookieRevised
Wont your method LAG the msn servers A LOT if more people are gonna use it????? :dodgy:

Originally posted by (CyBeRDuDe)
I would rather not make a program that requires to patch msn messenger(which is illegal)
Btw, tampering with the protocol and creating such stuff is also illegal unless you bought a license todo so ;) (just a friendly reminder)

Hmm... I gotta say I didn't know that.. but what are they gonna do???? sue me????? hmm.. yeah they proberly might.... hmm.... then if I succed in getting my complete project finished then I guess I would have to pay for the licnes or whatever, but that would requiere that I would have some sort of help to pay that from all you people.. but we will say how it works out... :D...

I'm doing my complete project using only proxy/the protocol, and I would rather try not to take any api into it, but I will make the "stearing" of the program throug plus! plugin....
07-11-2004 01:35 PM
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RE: MSN Contact List Updating?
Originally posted by Millenium_edition
why make a plus plugin if not using a plugin gives you more freedom? Why use the library if you have a proxy?
and how said you can't make a proxy inside a plugin? you then would have control of the protocol (with the proxy part) and would also be able to control the messenger api (with the messenger object in the plus part)
Originally posted by (CyBeRDuDe)
but what are they gonna do???? sue me????? hmm.. yeah they proberly might.... hmm....
you'd be doing illegal things, but i don't think they say anything... for example, AMSN is illegal, and a lot of people uses it, but M$ doesn't say anything...
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07-11-2004 01:51 PM
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O.P. RE: MSN Contact List Updating?
Originally posted by Choli

and how said you can't make a proxy inside a plugin? you then would have control of the protocol (with the proxy part) and would also be able to control the messenger api (with the messenger object in the plus part)

I'm not sure wether this is possible, i've been thinking about it, but I think that the client connects to the server before the plus plugins are initilized... i'm not sure if this is correct, but I will find out tonight... :D....

Originally posted by Choli

you'd be doing illegal things, but i don't think they say anything... for example, AMSN is illegal, and a lot of people uses it, but M$ doesn't say anything...

hehe... ;)...
07-11-2004 05:02 PM
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O.P. RE: MSN Contact List Updating?
Sorry... this shouldn't be discussion wether people want an external program or not... but I give you both (that means cookie and millenium) right in this... :D... people would rather not have an extra program running.... and yes there are lots of stuff you can with the proxy/protocol that you can't do with apis or plus plugin's or whatever... But I am going to do some experimenting tonight and tomorrow about this... :D... I think I might be able to "hijack" (or whatever you would call it) my program into the messenger process so you won't even notice my proxy running, and if I get this working, then I can do the same with msg plus!, meaning that you would only need to start my program, then that would start msg plus! and messenger, and then cloak it self including msg plus! into the messenger.exe process.... this might not be possible as I want but I'm giving it a try... :D....

[Johnny: Thread as been split with the offtopic discussion, (CyBeRDuDe) has not double posted, however some stuff he said in this post was valid, so it wasnt took with the split.]

This post was edited on 07-11-2004 at 07:34 PM by Johnny_Mac.
07-11-2004 06:59 PM
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