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Support to an Official Brazilian Translation
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RE: Support to an Official Brazilian Translation
What, Mr.CookieRevised??? Did I accuse Patchou something? Did I say he hates Brazilian People???? Did I say that "non-Brazilians and especially Portuguese are jealous etc."? Sorry Mr., or you are going insane, or is trying to start a fight using a coward's strategy: gossip!!

If you read carefully what I wrote in my previous post you'll notice that: 1st) I thanked Mr. Heyder; 2nd) I said why I think the pt-BR should coexists with the pt version; 3rd) I regretted that Mr.Patchou hadn't payed attention to Mr.Heyder efforts (did he return his e-mail? did he even say a simple "no tanks"?); 4th) I said: "Maybe the way Heyder had started his volunteer work was not so good. But did he found a receptive community that, with it's experience and will, helped him to find the right way?" Well, some tried, but it was eclipsed by the behavior of some people that lead me to my final comment:

"don't get annoyed by some comments made by the official portuguese team"

And this "some comments" is related mainly to Mr.Gonçalo F. and his totally unproductive post, that instead of try to elucidate and help tried to put Heyder down with obnoxious nonsense comments. Not only he said nonsense, but certainly he was the worse one. Maybe in my anger to support Mr.Heyder initiative I made a mistake of generalize saying "the official Portuguese team", and I apologize myself for those who don't think and act like Mr Gonçalo. And this is MY opinion Mr Gonçalo. You don't need to loose your time answering me, because I won't loose mine replying you.

And that is, Mr.CookieRevisited. I didn't want to cite names because I didn't want to start that argument again, but you forced me to do it, since you tried to put lies in my mouth. And what for? I really don't know.

Olá Heyder,

Estava aqui redigindo a resposta ao amigo biscoito e estava prestes a entrar no mérito do porquê do outro distinto ter falado um monte de besteiras, quando me dei conta: "Peraí? Por que estou perdendo meu tempo nessa briga besta? Se o próprio dono do programa não está nem aí para o problema, se eu não vou ganhar nada com isso, se o programa, apesar de bom e divertido, não é essencial para o meu estudo e trabalho, por que vou ficar esquentando a cabeça com isso?"

Desculpe se te criei algum problema na tentativa de defendê-lo. Não era minha intenção. Infelizmente vou ter que deixar um mínimo de resposta ao amigo biscoito porque ele está fazendo um joguinho sujo que generaliza uma posição ruim para os Brasileiros. Mas não vou me estender além disso, porque não vale a pena.

Deixo um abraço para você, e reitero a minha oferta inicial de ajudá-lo enviando qualquer problema que eu descobrir, ou, caso você queira a minha opinião sobre alguma coisa é só me chamar.


p.s.: desculpe, mas não consigo deixar passar: vá até o www.guiadeportugal.pt, informe "casa de pasto" na busca por restaurantes e veja o resultado. Pode ser até que o termo esteja caindo em desuso, ou designe mais um boteco do que um restaurante. Mas daí para dar uma de "indignado", somente para criar celeuma e tirar o foco da discussão, foi realmente uma estratégia baixa. E é exatamente o mesmo que o amigo biscoito está tentando fazendo agora... Bom, chega desse assunto improdutivo! Um abraço novamente, Heyder.
11-01-2005 11:07 AM
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RE: Support to an Official Brazilian Translation
Originally posted by m@c@ub@
What, Mr.CookieRevised??? Did I accuse Patchou something? Did I say he hates Brazilian People???? Did I say that "non-Brazilians and especially Portuguese are jealous etc."? Sorry Mr., or you are going insane, or is trying to start a fight using a coward's strategy: gossip!!
1) I've quoted litterally what you and others have said... reread those quotes as maybe you forgot what you've written before.
2) Again you are insinuating that I'm either go insane or either am a coward who want to start fights and that I'm a liar. This shows exactly what I meant in my previous post.
3) I clearly stated in my rant post that the "you" and "your" are plural and the whole post is to be read in general.
4) I'm the last one who would base stuff on rumours and spread lies or what not. I base my posts on facts after reading, researching and stuff and/or calculated logical analyses, as you can read from my other 7500 posts.


Originally posted by m@c@ub@
Olá Heyder, (...)
It would be nice if you posted your comments in English instead of hiding behind the Portuguese language, especially if you are again referring to "people who oppose BR to be added" (to put it more nicely than what you call them) and use suggestive comments again.

And for your information, I do not want to generalize all the BR people on one heap, but after reading all those suggestive comments of the BR people, I seriously start to wonder....

And helping Mr Heyder in his quest to add the BR translation is very good and exactly what this thread is for. But it does not help if you call the creator of Plus! (or others) what you've suggestivly called them. Helping Mr Heyder means stating constructive arguments why BR should be added, not stating suggestive stuff about the creator as that will do exactly the opposite...

This said, I also do hope that Mr Heyder takes up on your offer into helping him making the translation more accurate.

This post was edited on 11-01-2005 at 05:33 PM by CookieRevised.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.
11-01-2005 04:18 PM
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Dr. Heyder

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RE: RE: Support to an Official Brazilian Translation
Grande m@c@ub@!

Antes de mais nada, mais uma vez obrigado por sua solidariedade e tentativa de ajudar no esforço de despertar algum interesse do criador deste programa nos Brasileiros. Agora, essa foi muito boa!!! Foi fantástica essa procura por "Casa de Pasto" no site www.guiadeportugal.pt, obrigado. É mesmo incrível o número de estabelecimentos "Regionais" obtidos!!! Isto é porque a palavra não existe por lá...

Meu amigo, concordo com você. Eu já tinha chegado a essa conclusão: que é perda de tempo ficar argumentando sobre o assunto de adicionar o pt-BR ao setup do Messenger. O meu problema é que, como você, não "aguento" ler certas colocações ridículas por aqui sem postar alguma coisa... mas vou tentar me controlar (risos)...

Não há de quê se desculpar, amigo! Uma "discussãozinha" destas faz a gente rir um pouco das bobagens e interpretações errôneas escritas... Você não me criou nenhum problema não! Quem cria problemas por aqui são aqueles que interpretam mal o que se escreve, os que escrevem besteira e os que, ao invés de ajudar, atrapalham.

Gostaria, sim, de contar com você e sua ajuda crítica para qualquer sugestão quanto à tradução. Noto que você redige bem, além de escrever de forma clara e simples. Isso é importante e bem vindo a uma tradução. Quem sabe na próxima versão do Messenger Plus!, se você quiser e puder dispor de tempo pra isso, a gente faz as adaptações juntos. Por enquanto, se quiser, faça uma revisão crítica da minha tradução e, de comum acordo, podemos postar uma revisão D. Fique à vontade!

Grande abraço e não suma!

Dr. Heyder (H)
Thank´s for his solidarity and attempt of helping in the wake effort some interest of the creator of this program in the translation Brazilians. It fantastic the search for "Casa de Pasto" in the site www.guiadeportugal.pt, thank you. It is really incredible the number of "Regional" establishments!!! That is because the phrase doesn't exist...

My friend, I agree with you. I already the had conclusion: is waste of time to be arguing on the subject of adding it pt-BR to the setup of Messenger. My problem is that to read certain placements for here I always posting something...

You don't need to excuse. You didn't create me any problem. Who creates problems for here, are those that interpret badly that it is written, the ones that write nonsense and the ones that, instead of helping, cause disturb.

I would like, yes, of counting with you and his critical help for any suggestion for the translation. I notice that you write well, writing in a clear and simple way. This is important and well coming to a translation. Possibly in next version of Messenger Plus!, if you want and it can disposal of time for that, we make the adaptations together. If you want, make a critical revision of my translation and, of common agreement, we can post a revision D. Thank´s!
11-02-2005 05:18 PM
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Dr. Heyder

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Roll Eyes  RE: RE: Support to an Official Brazilian Translation
Originally posted by CookieRevised
This said, I also do hope that Mr Heyder takes up on your offer into helping him making the translation more accurate.
Do you think my translation is not accurate?
Do you know the Brazilian language so well for that?
Do you want to help? Enumerate, clearly, all the rules that impede the addition of my translation in Messenger Plus! installation.
11-02-2005 05:27 PM
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