Originally posted by traxor
I definitely believe in capital punishment if the criminal definitely deserves it. Gary Glitter is currently in Vietnamese Prison after having sex with a twelve year old, and they're talking about shooting him... I think it's gross what he did, and he's been doing it for years... A guy like him, deserves something like that...
i never knew this (or heard of the guy
) but if he did that dam right - kill the fother mucker! its sick! why sentance them to life when we could just sentance them to 1 day of pain and torture which slowly kills them?! if they kill or serious harm 1 or more people then they should suffer more, like th guy above - those 12yr olds are ll now gunna mentally screwed they may never trust a man aagain cos of 1 sicko - kill him!
thats my veiw anyway