When I logged on this morning I noticed my "My Space" button was gone on MSN Messenger... This is a problem to me as I use this button probably about 100 times a day
... And that's actually a close estimate.... Usually everything goes back to normal after restarting MSN Messenger, signing in again, or restarting my computer... Well it's still gone..... Now as I was playing music on my computer... My "MSN Today" button is gone.... I don't use this one barely ever... But it's still a hastle none the less... I'm using a skinned version of 7.5... I'm not too sure what skin... but it's red... and if I remember right there were like... 4 or 5 different colors I could've chose from when skinning my MSN... My MSN has been Patched for about 2 months now.... and this first started happening yesterday.
Anybody know why this is happening and how it can be fixed?