Windows Messenger v4.7.3001
- Allows Msg + Commands.
Allow the use of commands and tags
- Ticked (by delfault selection. This is the thrid reinstall so default rules have been used).
Enable Command Helper windows
- Ticked
Respond to Ping Requests
- Ticked but doesn't work inside Windows Messager.
So to me it proves that MSN Messenger is a pack of donkey ****. And that grrrr a pain in the ***.
Sorry I needed a little vent and got it
anything else please?
Oh question. Anyway to force open the Recovery Options - it might help???
[edit]I forced closed MSN+ closed with MSN opened. Went to the MSN+ folder and opened it. Open closing the MSN window (to go to the system tray only) and opened it up again, I got the MSN+ first start up screen, (config wizard). Which never happened before. Just thought it might help[/edit]
[edit=2]I tried using the MSN+ Menu options to input the codes, however the menu didn't place the code (this time it was the "(!NP)" code) into the chat window. So its like its not even there...