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RE: Ip-show
Originally posted by Johny
It is ?
Yes it is. Almost the entire internet is based on TCP/IP communication. You can't make a direct connection to another pc/server without making your IP public to that pc/server. An IP address is meant to be public because of how TCP/IP is designed. There is nothing scary about people knowing your ip anyway...

My IP address of my home pc is ...it's on 24 hours a day and it's a static IP AFAIK, so in a few months from now this will still be my IP.... HACK ME / SEND ME VIRUSES / RAPE ME / COME TO MY HOUSE AND KILL ME... I don’t give a shit because I know there is nothing scary about other people knowing my IP address... in fact: The webmasters of every site I ever visited know my IP address + the millions of people who connected to my PC on P2P software.

The only reason why you can't see the IP addresses of your contacts on MSN/WLM is because you don't make any direct connection to your contacts. Messages you send are sent to Microsoft's server and Microsoft's server than sends it to your contact. So the only IP you will see is the IP from the server. That's why it's impossible to make a plugin that shows the IP from your contacts without the need for your contact to manually accept it (do stuff) before it works. Letting your contact go to a site like http://www.showipaddress.com/ and let him paste it will probably just as effective as the best plugin design someone could come up with. The file transfer "trick" TiN mentioned can work, but it's not fail proof because in a lot of situations MSN/WLM will actually do file transfers trough the MS server too... so you still don't have the right IP.

Conclusion: Making a plugin like this is probably not possible, but an IP is meant to be public if you actually want to communicate on the internet.

Originally posted by Mentality
any reputable webpage that does use your IP
EVERY site you have ever visited uses your IP. The site wouldn't even be able to serve you pages if it didn't know the IP you're connecting trough. Even every webserver software like Apache and IIS store the IP address of every visitor that hits the server by default.

Originally posted by Mentality
an open program like that would be used maliciousl
What kind of malicious stuff are you thinking of? I just gave the entire world my IP, so feel free to demonstrate.

This post was edited on 05-30-2006 at 04:50 PM by Menthix.
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05-30-2006 04:42 PM
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RE: Ip-show
Originally posted by Crossss
It would probably be one of the most popular addons to MSN, and thats prestige

Yeah, as everyone needs their contacts IP.
*All posts are a purely speculative hypothesis based on abstract reasoning.
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05-30-2006 05:26 PM
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RE: Ip-show
Originally posted by Mentality
It's not MEANT to be public at all, it shud only be accessed when it needs to be, any reputable webpage that does use your IP clearly states that in any terms and conditons based on the site.
EVERY website uses your ip, otherwise how the hell would it know where to send the webpage to?

Back on topic, if you want to know their IP you can ask, otherwise if they don't want you to know, you don't need to know
05-30-2006 06:19 PM
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