My original question was with regard to a feature that did not include any real infrindgements to Microsoft.
Removing an advertisement, obviously, is.
Having read the follow-up posts now, I must say, I do agree, NOT to include any special patches, as this is, in fact, a complete different way of approach than Plus!
Hence, my original question about Patchou's patch policy.
To conclude, I do agree, Plus! should NOT incorporate a patch program -- that's why they are there for anyway.
It is good that Plus! is 'only' being an add-on, more than patching around the dll or resources, I believe.
Not only does this ensure a good relation-ship with Microsoft, but, perhaps even more importantly for the end user: a stable add-on that will WORK under any circumstances.
Remeber that patching is ALWAYS at the end user's risk and own responsibility.
Good night!