- Cookie already mentioned it, and I agree. Remove the Google text links and instead of that add a Google banner next to your logo in the header. Not only will that be less confusing, I also think it will bring more revenue.
- Add some content to the home page (obvious

- It would be nice if people could link directly to any specific page in the documentation. Right now the URL bar stays at docs.php and deeplinking isn't really possible. Deeplinking would be very useful when helping others with scripting.
PRE-POSTING-EDIT: Hmm, just saw Cookie already said something about this too.
- Index and Search don't work in the documentation?
- Navigation is a lot better with text added to it, nice!
- The forum lacks links/buttons to member list and search.
Originally posted by Dempsey
Has anyone got any ideas for what other categories to put on the Code Snippets pages? I couldn’t think of anymore...
You could do like I'm currently doing on the download DB: Start with some basic categories and let that grow for a few weeks/months, after that, take a look what you've got and decide on better categories. You can see it in the download DB right now, "new functions" will probably be splitted in a few new categories after a few weeks/months from now.