Originally posted by Jimcando
Is it posibly to make what you put into the mic come out of the speakers at the same time?
Sounds dodgy, but it could be possible 
nothing dodgy at all. It's called full duplexing ("produce noise while recording noise") and is possible on most soundcards these days.
Originally posted by ValSpy
Originally posted by aNILEator
just switch your recording preference to be either 'what u hear' or 'stereo mix' (not microphone at all) and it should record whatever is coming from your speakers
There is one problem with that, how would I record microphone as well?
You hear the microphone too, so that will also be recorded...
PS: such request/problem has already been dealt with in the very rich past of the forums...

you hear me comming I bet... searchy:
CookieRevised's reply to "Recording".
even older threads about it:
CookieRevised's reply to "Make programs think that..."
CookieRevised's reply to "MSN audio conversation" (very first thread about this; post contains hardware method todo what you want)