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Forcing A script not to record an event
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O.P. RE: Forcing A script not to record an event
Originally posted by Keikonium
I came here today to post a script request for disabling logging of PSM's because of this count down script lol. I am setting its update to every hour right now, but hopefully a "fix" can come across soon ^_^.
yeah, i'm aware of this, since people like to set there counter to refreash every few seconds

there should be feature for like this:

Do event

where it only disables or enables loging of the script using the command

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07-11-2006 09:30 PM
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RE: RE: Forcing A script not to record an event
Originally posted by jmccarroll
So something like:
1. Toggle these keys from default to 0:
(HKCU\Software\Patchou\Messenger Plus! Live\<email>\Preferences\ChatLogAddEventsTxt)
(HKCU\Software\Patchou\Messenger Plus! Live\<email>\Preferences\ChatLogAddEventsXHtml)

2. Change PSM
3. Toggle keys back to default

That wont work for several reasons:

1) Plus! does not read the registry settings each and every time. They are only read in when you open the preferences panel and stored when you click to 'ok' or 'apply' button in the settings (or when you toggle certain items in the menus).

2) Those registry keys you listed only influence what is written in the individual chat log files themselfs (provided the keys are set by Plus!, not manually by you), not what is shown in the event window, which is an equally big/annoying problem.

3) Even manually setting "EventViewerShowPsm" (which is the key to view/hide PSM changes in the events log window) will not influence what you'll see because of point 1, nor will it influence what actually will be written to the log file.

Thus for individual chat logs, there is no way to disable this on the fly.

The only thing you CAN do is setting the following key to 0:
HKCU\Software\Patchou\Messenger Plus! Live\<your email>\Contacts\<Hash from contact>\DispEvents.

This key will be read each time before an event will be shown in the event window. The drawback is: you need to know how to calculate the hash of the contact, which is currently not documented/known.


It would not be easy at all to implement a DontShowScriptTriggeredEvents function I think. Many stuff which is invoke by script commands goes 'globally' outside of the scripting engine and Plus! in its turn recieves the event again, at this point the command or whatever has already left the scripting environment so to speak; the event comes from messenger itself, so Plus! can't know (without dodgy hacks) what triggered the event.

Not to mention I would not like a script to disable things globally (for all scripts). Even for a split second...


I'm currently very annoyed btw by those countdown scripts as some people on my contactlist are using it to update their PSM every 5 seconds!!!! (before you suggest it, blocking them wont work). The only thing I can do is to exclude them from the event log. But this also means I wont see status changes or whatever else of them too.... So, Nitemare, I very very strongly suggest to put the minimum update to at least 15 seconds (which is almost the minimum update frequency for nick changes too).

This post was edited on 07-11-2006 at 11:40 PM by CookieRevised.
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07-11-2006 11:20 PM
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Giga-Byte me

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O.P. RE: Forcing A script not to record an event
Originally posted by CookieRevised
I'm currently very annoyed btw by those countdown scripts as some people on my contactlist are using it to update their PSM every 5 seconds!!!! (before you suggest it, blocking them wont work). The only thing I can do is to exclude them from the event log. But this also means I wont see status changes or whatever else of them too.... So, Nitemare, I very very strongly suggest to put the minimum update to at least 15 seconds (which is almost the minimum update frequency for nick changes too).
if patchou can't put the feature in, i may have to limit it to once a minute

please see what you can do patchou
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07-13-2006 03:51 AM
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