Originally posted by lordy
Something they've been considering in Victoria is making it so serial paeodphiles are made to live where the police tell them (ie away from schools etc) for the rest of their lives... they would also need permission to go anywhere else.
That's what they usually do (here in England anyway). They make paedophiles stay in their homes all the time, people bring them their shopping etc. but there's no way a policeman could stay with somebody until the paedophile dies or anything, so after a few years then they leave. After that they're free to roam around and do what the hell the want to, this is wrong.
Also shawnz, I'm not a fucking idiot. People like this are the lowest of the low, and of course they won't do that, I was just expressing my anger at the guy. Paedophiles are never treated well in prisons anyway, he'll be beat up daily and probably shagged up the arse a few times a week

. He'll be made a little bitch just like he made the children he molested, which I'd say is definitely a good thing.