Originally posted by Voldemort
Diclorodifeniltricloroetano real chemical
I said, NO NAMES (which does include chemicals in this case).

but OK.
Originally posted by Time
Originally posted by NagamasaAzai
Its great-.... not greatgreat. Therefore, ice-cream is 2 words. And you word is actually a lot of words.
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious is a lot longer. Even check the link I posted way up above. (Which is: http://dictionary.reference.com/help/faq/language/t46.html)
TIME and ADMINS: Please edit Time's post as the great....grandfather is stretching the posts too far.
No, agglutinative construction allows greatgreatetcgrandfather to be one word, just as it allows antidisestablishmentarianism to be one. And the hyphens are optional. As is shown by antidisestablishmentarianism being spelt without them. Ice is not a common prefix, thus ice-cream is not a construct under this pattern. In fact "ice cream" is rarely, if ever, hyphenated.
Well great isn't a common prefix either.
Originally posted by Time
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious is poetic licence, a nonsense word, even its dictionary "definition" says so.
It is still a word, and it is in
Oxford English Dictionary. I rather trust that.
Originally posted by Time
And: no, I won't edit my post. It makes my point. Get over it.
True, it does make your point, but it'll still do with less greats. Its pissing me off...
Originally posted by Time
Finally, you have mistakes in your post. Basic mistakes; why would anyone trust your knowledge of English over mine with those mistakes? :---(
I was in a hurry last night...and I usually edit my posts after, but didn't have time. (So I edited now.)
Anyways, antidisestablishmentarianism is the most common 'really long word', as proven here.