Originally posted by hmaster
Lets you put your contacts in a list so all users can see the gradient and those who don't use Plus! will see normal text 
Originally posted by CaroV
That's one I already have installed, but people who don't have Live-Plus! still see the codes instead of ordinary text. They don't see the color, but instead they see the codes. Thanks anyway, I'll just keep looking 
Nice to see someone liking my script

I haven't been able to update the version on the script database yet but I have a newer version on the forums that gives you a gradient using IRC style codes and adds people into a seperate list for either receiving IRC style or BBCode style. You can find the thread
right here 
Hope you like this newer version and I'll update the one on the script database when I can. Have fun with my script (and lookout for some new features with it in the next couple of weeks too

Originally posted by hardc0re
a little offtopic question. where do i find a scheme for those ·$<insert number> codes?
These are the same as the BBCode numbers, you can either use the window to get the number, the numbers 0 to 53 for the base colours, hexadecimal (what the custom colours come as) or decimal (eg 123,255,000) or even ctrl + r and select a colour.
Btw, if you are writing the IRC code yourself just put a commar (",") and then another colour for the second colour to be the background.