Originally posted by joemailey
All i say is.
Whats so big about this party that means you can't spend some quality time with your dad for long journey home.
My dad use to drive long distances all time i use to love going with him some quality time and good fun. see'n places i have never been.
Your 13(well your profile says that lol), no offense but your gonna have alot more parties to go to which will be alot better than the one you want to go to.
Spend some time with only guy you can trust your hold life, it aint never that bad. Maybe thats what your dad wants you to come for 
I agree with this... as you get older you start to realise how much your parents have sacrificed just for you (I never appreciated it when I was your age, hell even until I was about 19 really). He brought you a car, the least you could do would be to go pick it up. If your dad just annoys you (like my parents did), just put up with it lol. Unless there are serious serious issues between you and him I wouldn't consider ditching.
Also, the thing about there being more parties to go to, bigger and better. So so so true