I always find that when I'm going through My Recieved Files, I can never remember who they are from.
Would it be possible to make a script that automatically renamed the recieved files to:
%email% (%num%) with a number afterwards so they don't get overwritten.
%email% = The person who sent the file's e-mail address
%num% = Number starting from 1
Appearing like this: someone@msn.com (1).JPG
(Prosuming you were sent a JPG file)
And if someone wanted to work on a slightly bigger project, the script could include a menu item on thePlus! icon, with a settings panel, and you can change the
%email% (%num%) to whatever you want. Also, maybe you can select this just for images, etc.
Just an idea, maybe too much work needed

I'm sure a simple script would be fine.