Originally posted by boston
windows defender beta 2
is the only good free one i know...
anyone else know.
I was unaware that WD had firewalling capabilities, (I checked again, it doesn't have them) it's simply an anti-spyware-come-anti-virus-with-privacy-cleanup program.
Besides, it's made by Microsoft - it'd look pretty bad on them if they released a firewall program:
"So, Billy, I hear you've released a new firewall application - whats wrong with the built in Windows one which is supposed to protect users from threats?"
"Well with the Windows firewall we... umm... wanted to.... ooooh look at this, packet filtering!"
* andrewdodd13 really needs to invent a funny anecdote.
I agree with Cookie on the firewall point. I simply use the built in Windows XP one as well. (Well that's not exactly true, my wifi router has built in firewalling capabilities)