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9/11 the day when the world changed
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RE: 9/11 the day when the world changed
I agree with you Time. Death shouldn't be repayed with death. Money should go into saving peoples lives, rather than endangering them.

PS: One of the good bad jokes I have heard :P
[Image: cloudy.jpg]
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Originally posted by Moulin Rouge
The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return

7011 days, 11 hours, 10 minutes, 39 seconds ago
09-12-2006 10:17 PM
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RE: 9/11 the day when the world changed
In my media room at school, there is a poster that, granted it is from the 1980's, but states "The ammount of money the world spends on arms is almost the same ammount of money needed to feel, cloth and provide basic medical treatment to the worlds needy for a year."

Since the arms are getting smarter and more expencive, I bet the ammount of time we could provide these things has gone up.
[Image: kingofpants.png]
09-13-2006 02:32 AM
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RE: 9/11 the day when the world changed
Originally posted by ShawnZ
thats because everyone on this forum is racist.

actually im not racist at all.

i just hate certain groups of people, it doesnt matter what race they are.

.... i majorly hate, Blind to the fact christians and catholics who force thier religion down everyones throat.
09-13-2006 02:54 AM
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RE: 9/11 the day when the world changed
Originally posted by Astynax
Originally posted by ShawnZ
thats because everyone on this forum is racist.

actually im not racist at all.

i just hate certain groups of people, it doesnt matter what race they are.

.... i majorly hate, Blind to the fact christians and catholics who force thier religion down everyones throat.

You're just an idiot to be honest.

And by the way:

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I'm obligated to tell an admin.

This post was edited on 09-13-2006 at 06:34 AM by user27089.
09-13-2006 06:33 AM
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RE: 9/11 the day when the world changed
no, i just hate certain people.
09-13-2006 10:19 AM
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RE: RE: 9/11 the day when the world changed
I can't believe the stupid and total arrogance, disrespectfulness and plain imature attitude of certain people here...

If YOU don't care about something like this, fine. That's your good right. But at least show some respect to those who DO care.

But no, what you just do is posting "comics", sarcastic stuff and what not with the ONLY intention to shock, stir things up and what not.

And only when people complain you come up with the explanation behind it and why you supposidly posted it. Well, sorry, big major B S... I don't buy that "I posted it to let you think" at all anymore... If that is how you try to make people think or try to be funny all the time, then imho I think it is not us who are arrogant, ignorant or "not having a sense of humor"...

I, personally, do not care about 9/11 like others do either because I too think that it is blown out of proportion with that "when the world changed" stuff (indeed forgetting about stuff which happened in the WW's, what happens to people on other countries on a much wider scale, etc)...


If you don't care about things like this, don't post...

If you don't agree with a memorial thread, fine, don't post in it.

If you want to discuss the whole thing, fine, but do it with respect to everybody, including those who do care and do want to remember it.

You guys do nothing more than constantly lowering yourself more and more with those posts (and not only refering to this thread) and show more and more how "respectful" you actually are towards others (despite if your opinion is correct or not)...

If you want to question the whole memorial thing you can do that also by simply stating this or asking a question, with respect to others... instead of constantly posting material and stuff with the only intention to shock, disrespect people and what not....

Also, the "you're missing the point", "get a sense of humor", "get a joke", etc lines are totally irrelevant and out of place.


eg: I too do agree with what you said in your last posts, Time, but that does not make the other posts any less disrespectful (eventhough I DO see the slight humor in that cartoon; I would not go that far to post something like that because OTHERS might find it offensive).

Turn this around. What if you posted a thread about something you deeply care about and someone else starts posting sarcastic stuff and accusing you for "not having humor" and what not? You would find it disrespectful too (and don't say "I wouldn't post a thread about it in the first place" or "they can post whatever they want" as that is besides the point; the point is taking in account other people and respect their choices and feelings, especially in manners like this).


EDIT: sorry for the bad words used in this post, but... realy... This whole 9/11 thing started because of lack of respect to fellow human beings and what do you see in a thread which tries to give some respect to those who died?... a disrespectfull pic is posted (and it is by far the first time something like this happens in a thread.)

This post was edited on 09-13-2006 at 04:27 PM by CookieRevised.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.
09-13-2006 10:33 AM
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John Anderton
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RE: 9/11 the day when the world changed
Originally posted by Voldemort
3 people die each second.
I wonder how many of them are killed?


09-13-2006 11:27 AM
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RE: 9/11 the day when the world changed
Originally posted by Astynax
.... i majorly hate, Blind to the fact christians and catholics who force thier religion down everyones throat.

Actually it is taught Christians should not try and convert other religons and leave them in peace. 'There is room in Heaven for everyone', that quote is why this is believed.

Do you even know what rasict means?

This post was edited on 09-13-2006 at 02:20 PM by absorbation.
09-13-2006 02:13 PM
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RE: 9/11 the day when the world changed
I agree with cookie, you should respect other people feelings towards situations like this, the only reason i would liked to of had a minutes silence at my school was because i know quite a few people in my school who lost friends or family and it would be nice to think about their looses with them and possibly make them feel a bit better.

I agree with time in the whole it's blown out of proportion and we should spend the money better but it isn't nice to post an image(even if i did find it funny) when most people reading/posting in this thread care about the event and want to pay a tribute of some kind to those that died.

On another note, i hate the fact of the "the day the world changed" thing because its utter rubbish. Most people, i believe, think this because it happened to/in America. Also when you start going to war with people such as Iraq and stay in their country continually enraging them more and more, it's practically stooping as low as them. Politics and the government are corrupt in my opinion.

This post was edited on 09-13-2006 at 02:57 PM by vaccination.
[Image: jumbled.png]
09-13-2006 02:56 PM
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