Originally posted by saralk
Could someone please do me this favour.
If you are very organised and have a very well organised filing system on your computer, could you please take a screenshot of your My Documents folder (or equivelent) in explorer view (with the tree style structure), showing off the extent to which the folder system is organised. Preferably making it look very complicated.
Because I order almost everything in a decent way (at least, that's what I think

) I almost never use the (excuse my french) crappy "My Documents" folder. eg: Even when I install programs, the first thing I do is re-ordening the starts menu items.
One big reason for that: I don't want to put everything (gigabytes of stuff) into 1 folder. Moreover, not everything is "a document" IMHO.
A big factor is also that I am the only user of this computer (otherwise I would use the my documents folder a bit more... refering to PC at work).
In fact, the "my documents" folder is mostly used for test-stuff only and to see/test default paths and such (as extremely many programs use the my documents folder by default). So all it contains are some redundant first log files or stuff like that (exception would be the "my music" subfolder)
To give an idea of the level of ordening: My average subfolder count (the folders I create, not talking about folders created by programs) is 5 sublevels.
Some important or much used folders have their own icon too (msn messenger, plus! (which is a subfolder of msn messenger as it only relates to that), mIRC, Visual Studio, Netscape).
Mijn Documenten:
| algemene instellingen.pld
| all.txt
| blablah.Theme
| contactpersoonsinfo.pld
| desktop.ini
| Messenger Plus! - Personaliza‡Æo de xxxxxxxxxxx.pld
| Messenger Plus! settings for xxxxxxxxxxx.pld
| Messenger Plus! voorkeuren voor xxxxxxxxxxx 12-04-05.pld
| Messenger Plus! voorkeuren voor xxxxxxxxxxx.pld
| MsgPlus Test.Theme
| My Sharing Folders.lnk
| ORI Messenger Plus! voorkeuren voor xxxxxxxxxxx.pld
| pexmodes.dat
| test (ori).pld
| test.pld
| testpack.plsc
| win.ini
+---Mijn afbeeldingen
| Snelkoppeling naar Icons.lnk
+---Mijn gesprekgeschiedenis
| +---juni 2006
| +---mei 2006
+---Mijn muziek
| | LockFile.exe
| |
| +---Avenue Q
| +---Battlestar Galactica
| +---Cats
| +---Dido
| +---Een Lege Brug
| +---Evanescence
| +---Gjallarhorn
| +---Halo
| +---Klaus Schulze
| +---Love Hina
| +---MCM - Metall Cross Mix
| +---My Playlists
| +---Rammstein
| +---Secret Of Monkey Island
| +---The Cronicles of Narnia
| +---The Phantom of the Opera (2004 Movie)
| +---Various
| +---Yeti Sports
+---Mijn video's
| Desktop.ini
+---My Chat Logs
| events (2).txt
| Events Style Sheet.xsl
| events.txt
| test.txt
| test.html
| test (3).html
+---Super GSM Reader
I don't need a file indexing system either, as I have no trouble finding any file (I very rarely need to use the search in Windows and if I do, it is mostly to search for keywords in a series of real documents).
If I would need a file indexing tool, I'd use the free
Copernic Desktop Search which is extremely powerful, can index many file types, is extremely fast in searches, and very light on PC resources (nope, I don't hold a share in the company

but maybe some stuff of this program can give you more ideas what to include and what not).
Good luck with your project.... keep us posted