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Combining Messenger Plus! Live with Spotify.
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RE: Combining Messenger Plus! Live with Spotify.
I don't know how Spotify works. If it makes this information through an API (Application Programming Interface) then yes it is possible however as I stated earlier I have no idea how Spotify works.
07-15-2010 07:38 PM
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RE: Combining Messenger Plus! Live with Spotify.
Originally posted by matty
I don't know how Spotify works.
If you're interested, you can check it out here: http://developer.spotify.com/en/libspotify/overview/
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07-16-2010 09:30 PM
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RE: Combining Messenger Plus! Live with Spotify.
Given the fact that Spotify is a media player which can share/stream the music it is playing, the OP wants to click on the "listening to"-link of a contact so that the OP can listen to that song too...

This is not possible simply because of the fact that Plus! scripts can not detect on which contact's "listening to"-link the user clicks.

Also, as far as I can (very quickly) spot in the tuts of Spotify: the person who wants to share/stream music needs to give the 'audiance' an URL with an unique id for the track/album he wants to share. This URL is unique to not only the track/album, but also to this person.

a) Given that you can not know (without explicitly asking) what scripts and programs the contact is running...

b) Even if the contact happens to be running Spotify, you need to know that particular song/album URL, unique for that contact. Again you can't know this without explicitly asking.

c) The contact also needs to be running some plugin for Spotify which enables WLM to show the songs which are playing in Spotify (instead of Windows Media Player).
although, in that case, one could include that unique track/album id in the song title to solve the above points. But this unique ID is relative long (eg: http://open.spotify.com/track/4xyeDA2F9xcAtru8tzDkDP), which makes that you don't have a lot of space left for the actual album/song/artist names in the "listening-to" field.

Either way, it would still be impossible to detect a click on a "listening to"-link in the contactlist. You need a command/menu for that, invoked from a conversation window.


Makes me wonder how legal Spotify actually is. In many countries it is not allowed to share music with other people in public without paying royalties.

This post was edited on 07-17-2010 at 02:50 AM by CookieRevised.
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07-17-2010 02:28 AM
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RE: Combining Messenger Plus! Live with Spotify.
Originally posted by CookieRevised
In many countries it is not allowed to share music with other people in public without paying royalties.
It isn't absolutely free: you've got ads which you must listen to in the max volume between each song or pay for a premium account.
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07-17-2010 02:39 AM
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RE: Combining Messenger Plus! Live with Spotify.
Originally posted by blessedguy
Originally posted by CookieRevised
In many countries it is not allowed to share music with other people in public without paying royalties.
It isn't absolutely free: you've got ads which you must listen to in the max volume between each song or pay for a premium account.
But although I haven't read everything on the site, I extremely doubt the revenue from those ads (or premium account payments) will go to the artists.
It is as good as impossible to link a random streamed song to an artist/studio/producent like that anyways.
That revenue is very most likely used to simply pay for their own bandwidth/site usage.
I guess they operate in the 'gray' zone between what is legal and what not (and in what countries, and blahblah)...

EDIT: http://www.spotify.com/int/work-with-us/labels-and-artists/
...is kind of a joke though. It either is only for the songs you can buy and thus says nothing about the stuff people put up...
Or they imply that they have a system in place which recognizes the songs the people upload. But you can not detect what the song and who the artist realy is by just the meta data because that can very easily be spoofed. And music recognition isn't that good either and not reliable at all and it would also require to have some super big data center with all the signatures of the all the songs ever made... not to mention the quality and encoding problems... yeah right

This post was edited on 07-17-2010 at 03:15 AM by CookieRevised.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.
07-17-2010 02:44 AM
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RE: Combining Messenger Plus! Live with Spotify.
Originally posted by Ablin
And when you click on that link, you end up in the search program named "Bing"
My idea is that when you click on what someone is listening to, it would show up in the program spotify. (If the song is playing on spotify by the person)
Here, I made you this:

Twitter: @ChrisLozeau
07-17-2010 09:24 AM
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