Originally posted by Horseboy
Em... How do I put an image in? I have an image in the script's folder that I want to put in the window.
You use the ImageElement element.
XML code:
<Element Id="ImgAdvanced" xsi:type="ImageElement">
<Position Top="0" Left="348"/>
As you notice you dont need to add an extension to the image. Images are automatically assumed to be loaded from the Images folder so you don't need to prefix the image.
The folder structure of the above image is as follows:
+-- big
Originally posted by Horseboy
And also... Trying to create a List view, kinda stuck. I have this:
If you are trying to create a ListView why are you using a ListBox?!?
Here is an example of a ListView:
XML code:
<Control Id="LvOverlayRules" xsi:type="ListViewControl">
<Position Top="130" Left="15" Width="270" Height="70"/>
<Image Id="1">
<Image Id="0">
<Columns WidthFormat="Relative">
<Label>Overlay text</Label>