Originally posted by Skitz
Originally posted by XxRebelSeanxX
email stated this, but during the first round (1st generation) of emails, it stated "Also, the space for this beta is limited and will be filled on a first come first serve
yeh it said that, kinda crappy that i left for vacation the same day i got the email. ah well
thanks ppl =)
One thing you could do is forward your invitation along with a email explaining what has happened to msnbetax@microsoft.com and give them time to get back to you. I'm sure they will not mind re-issueing a invitation for you
Originally posted by Methos2
Originally posted by toddy
just stick with msn 7.5 tbh
thats also a good idea. Im testing it and tbh its not very good, its very slow and doesnt support plus, im thinking of switching back to 7.5
Hardly to be quite fair. The only problems I have seen is that it takes more time to sign-in than MSNM. But that is because of WLM having to check to see if your account has CNI access. If people would not have leaked the MSNM7.0+7.5 betas, we would probably not have had this extra security feature made